Clean App – Free Bootstrap One Page Website Template For Mobile App
Clean App is a beautiful and responsive free bootstrap one page website template for mobile app or software or product with smooth design.

Clean App is a beautiful and responsive bootstrap one page website template for mobile app with smooth design. It is clean and powerful template available today with loads of unmatched options. This template comes with different section that have potential to describes your organization.
Clean App is free bootstrap template that is single page but it acquires all the required property for mobile app’s landing page. The use of bootstrap makes this page responsive for all devices. Clean App uses jQuery for user interface and user experience. The single page nature of the templates makes the user experience more simple and smooth. Needless to say that template is mobile friendly and responsive that makes it look stunning on any device. We have design Clean App by taking Google new method of Mobile-first-index, so this makes our template more mobile friendly.
This template is the best suited for mobile app, business, landing page, portfolio, personal websites etc. Clean App uses the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards. With the JavaScript library for animation the website looks much interactive and catchy. We have used latest version of Bootstrap 4.2.1. The latest and up-to-date technology have made this template stand among the rest. We have used fonts and icons through CDN which makes it more easy to customize.
Template Features
Fully Responsive
Clean App is fully responsive single page web template which is supported by all devices. Our template uses bootstrap with latest version so, for each and every devices Clean App is responsive.
Google Fonts
Google font is used in the template as the main font. This makes it easy to change font as per the user wants.Google font is used in the template as the main font. This makes it easy to change font as per the user wants.
JQuery Animation
We have use animation to make user experience and interaction better. The animation in the template are easily customizable.
HTML5 and CSS3
HTML5 and CSS3 are latest technology for the web development. With semantic tags in HTML5 and advance functions in CSS3, integrating these latest technology makes our template most useful.
Awesome Support
Our team of Clean App are ready to support you with all sorts of technical support required for the Clean App. We will provide you with the required support for the maintenance of Clean App.
Font Awesome Icons
Lots of icons are used in the Clean App. All of these icons are used from the font awesome. This makes it easy for the user to change and use icons.
One Page
Clean App is single page website template for mobile app that is easy to use. The transition to other page make it irritating. Single page web pages are best for the landing page for mobile apps.
Supports Every Smart Device
Our template supports every smart devices. Clean App is fully workable and supportive for all smart devices from large smart TV to small smart phones.
We have complete documentation on the Clean App. Major focus of documentation is the full details for the customization of the template.