Sharing your posts to different media helps increase the number of followers as many people get to see your profile and start to follow you on that app. And sharing Threads content to Facebook works the same. If you share a Threads post on Facebook, your item will get more likes and views, increase engagement, and the friends who are not in Threads can view the content.

You are not guaranteed to be connected with your friends and family on both apps. So, in order to not make them miss your content, you need to share the items on different social media.

If you are searching for an easier way to share Threads content on Facebook, you are in the right place.

Here, we will help you to walk through an easier path. So, keep staying until the end of the article to not miss major and minor knowledge regarding this.

Why Should You Share Threads Posts on Facebook?

There exist various reasons to share your Threads posts on Facebook. Let’s discuss them in a comprehensive way.

To promote your products or services

Social media is a great platform to promote your company and brands. If you add any products on Threads and reshare them on FB, then there is a high chance of getting more potential customers.

Reach a wider audience 

When you add content on different platforms, there is a high probability of reaching a wider audience. This is because not only your Threads friends can access your content, but your Facebook friends can also see it.

Increase engagement

After you share content from one platform to another, it helps to grab the audience’s attention from there. They use to visit your account through the way the content you reshare on Facebook. This ultimately helps in increasing the engagement of the audience on the app.

For these reasons, you need to share a Threads post on Facebook.

How to Share a Threads Post On Facebook

Here we will show you the step-to-step guide along with screenshots to make an easy way to do so. And you can use both Android and iPhone smartphones to complete the process, as both devices support the feature.

The process of sharing a Threads post on Facebook can be done in three different ways. Let’s discuss them broadly.

Share on Facebook Profile (News Feed)

You can share Threads posts directly to the Facebook profile. Here, go with the steps to do so.

1. Open the Threads application on your mobile phone. The app will directly lead you to the home page of it, where you can access various posts, either pictures, videos, or statues. You will also see several icons at the bottom of the display placed horizontally.

2. Tap the “Profile icon” from the bottom right corner. Immediately you will be on your profile page, where you can see your bio and content.

3. Find the desired post from the available content. When you get the item, you will see various icons to edit the post, like reposting.

4. Touch on the “share icon,” which you can see just below the post placed horizontally. Just after tapping on it, the app displays the options named to add to the story, post to feed, share via…, and copy link.

5. Tap “Share via” from there to start the process. When you tap it, you will see the option to copy the link and several recommended apps to share.

6. Select the “Facebook app.” When you select, two options will be visible on the screen, i.e., news feed and your groups.

7. Select “News Feed” from there. The app does not instantly share the content after tapping the news feed. You can add captions, tag people, change the audiences to view the item and add feeling activity.

8. Once you do all the settings, touch on the “Post” from the top right corner of the screen.

Successfully, you shared a Threads post on the Facebook news feed. You can go through the same steps to reshare the other content.

Now, people can access your post on their news feed, like comments, and share according to their wishes.

Share on Facebook Story

To share Threads posts on Facebook story, follow the steps given below.

1. Open the Threads app on your mobile phone.

2. Find the desired content from there. Then tap on the share icon from below the item.

3. After this, go for Share via from the available options. Then choose Messenger from there. Once you tap it, you will see the option to add the content on Facebook Messenger at the top.

4. Tap on Add, which you get to see on the side of your story suggestions.

This is how you can share your Threads post to your Facebook Messenger story. The story will be visible in that section for up to 24 hrs.

Share to Facebook Group

You may be surprised to know that sharing a Threads post on the Facebook group is possible. The app has introduced a feature that helps you add the Threads content on the FB group, and every member connected to it will be able to access your content.

1. Open the Threads app on your device.

2. Find the desired content from there. You will see the caption, likes, comments, repost, and share icons below the item.

3. Go for the “Share icon.” It is an icon with a paper kite structure. Immediately after tapping it, the app shows you several options.

4. Tap on the “Share via” from there. The app recommends various apps to share the item.

5. Go for the “Facebook” application from there. After this, you will see two options to choose from depending on whether you want to share it on the news feed or in groups.

6. Pick up “Your Group” from there. All the groups you are connected to will be displayed there.

7. Select the group on which you want to share the post. Then add a caption, tag people, or add a feeling activity as per your wish.

8. Once you are done editing, touch “Post” from the top right corner of the screen. After tapping it, you will find that the content has been added to the desired group.

People who are members of the group can interact with your content by liking and commenting on it.

How to Share a Threads Post to Someone on FB Messenger

If you wish to share a Threads post with someone on Facebook Messenger, then it is possible. That means you can transfer the thread to someone who is connected with you on Messenger. For this, follow the given steps.

1. Open the application, and after this, go to your profile.

2. Find the post you want to share with someone on chats. Then, tap on the share icon.

3. After this, go for share via to continue the process. Then, choose Messenger from the available app. Instantly after choosing, the app displays the recent and suggested accounts. You can also find the person using the search icon from the top.

4. Tap on “Send,” which is situated on the side of the account name of the desired person. You can send the same content to a number of people at a single time.

This is how you can share a Threads post with someone on Facebook Messenger. They will get the content as a message on their chat box. And they can also visit the link to see it on the Threads app.

What Happens When You Share a Threads Post to Facebook?

You may be eager to know what will happen when you share a Threads post on Facebook. If so, then we are here to deal with your problems. When you share Threads content to FB, the audiences whom you are allowed to see the item can view it and visit the link to see it on Threads.

The audiences can do likes and comments on the content. But those interactions won’t be added to Threads.

If they touch the link, they can visit your content on Threads profile, by which they can also see your bio, share your Threads profile linkrepost your posts, and view all other content.


Q: Why can’t I share Threads posts on Facebook?

A: If you are unable to share Threads content on Facebook because you may not have the FB app on your device or your account is currently deactivated.

Q: Can I automatically share posts from Threads to Facebook?

A: No. You can’t automatically share posts from Threads to Facebook. However, various social media managing apps are available that you can use to add content simultaneously on different platforms.

Q: Can I share multiple Threads posts to Facebook at the same time?

A: No. You can’t share multiple Threads’ content at the same time. This is because the app allows you to share just a single item at a single time.

However, if you wish to share more than one post on Facebook from Threads, you have to repeat the process individually.

Wrapping Up

If you want to increase engagement on your items, then it is very necessary to share a Threads post on Facebook.

You can complete the process using both smartphones, either Android or iOS. And the process is easy and quick. Go through the above given step-by-step process to share statuses, pictures, and videos from Threads to Facebook.

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