NodeJS is a JavaScript run time environment for server-side scripts. It allows you to run JavaScript on the web servers. It was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 for a better server-side JavaScript environment. Node.js has become more popular in the recent years. And the demand for Node.js developers have also become high. Node.js is mostly used to create web servers and other networking applications. Unlike PHP, Node.js is event-driven and non-blocking. It supports real-time connections of front-end and back-end technologies. If you are wondering about getting started in Node.js, then we have collected some best nodejs getting started tutorials to help you out.
The list consists of free tutorials and premium courses as well. To get started on Node.js, you should have a prior knowledge of JavaScript and other front-end technologies. Because Node.js is a JavaScript environment, it is important that you know JavaScript well. If you don’t know JavaScript, then we recommend you learn JavaScript first.
Best NodeJS Getting Started Tutorials
If you have knowledge in JavaScript, then you can dive into Node.js right away. Here is the list on Best NodeJS Getting Started Tutorials to get you up and going. These tutorials are helpful resources and covers the concepts of Node.js and other modules.
Node.js Tutorial (JavaTPoint)

This web tutorial covers all the concepts of Node.js from web modules to databases. It covers Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB and Node.js Express. The chapters are well-designed with diagrams and code-snippets. It is a great place to start learning Node.js.
Node.js Tutorial (TutorialsPoint)

This is another web tutorial that provides the basics of Node.js. It covers the various concepts regarding Node.js and its modules. The tutorial provides guides and resources for further learning.
Node.js Tutorial (W3Schools)

W3Schools is a popular website that teaches web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and more. This site is a great source for the basic concepts of Node.js. You can try out examples and codes in the website itself.
Node JS Tutorials for Beginners (YouTube)

This is a playlist of 37 Node.js tutorial videos from The Net Ninja. The videos are well-designed and easy to understand. At the end of the playlist, you will be building a To-do app using Node.js Express and MongoDB.
Node: Up and Running (Oreilly)

Node: Up and Running is an online resource for learning Node.js. It is published by O’reilly Publishing and is a really good resource. The web book is free to use and

NodeSchool provides open-source workshops on Web Software skills. They provide lessons on JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, HTML and more. You can install a workshop onto your computer and learn the tutorials offline.
Learn and Understand NodeJS (Udemy)

This course teaches the fundamentals and concept of Node.js. Learn how to build a web server and web application using Node.js. This course also covers the concepts of MEAN Stack.
Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB (Coursera)

This course teaches Node.js and Node.js modules. It covers Web Protocols, database (MongoDB) and the REST concepts. This course has a price. But you can apply for Financial Aid as with any other Coursera lessons.
Real-time Web with Node.js (CodeSchool)

This tutorial consists of levels of Node.js tutorials with videos and challenges. The tutorial cost a few bucks but its worth the price.

This is a premium course for JavaScript and Node.js. You learn by building an application with Node.js. In each lesson, you learn and implement the concepts into the application. This course consists of 2 packages: a starter package with 7 modules and a master package with 15 modules. Learn with videos, completed examples and exercises.