As we know that, HTML5 is the fifth and the latest version of HTML. HTML is a markup language that we use to design a websites. We can also use HTML5 to make an application that can run in any platform or also called cross platform supportive. HTML5 has made possible to play a video in a website without using the flash plug-ins. Therefore, we can say that the facility of watching a video in the website without having to install the flash plug-in or other such third party element in the browser is made by the fifth version of HTML i.e HTML5.
We often watch videos in internet. We are all fond of YouTube and other online videos websites. If we go through the detail knowledge of how those videos are played in an internet, we must watch many theories related to it.
Best Free HTML5 Video Player
We have different sets of Video player available for HTML5 that we can use in our websites to play a video. We can simply embed video tag in our code and we are ready to play a video in our website. Almost all the browsers support <video> element in our code. We can assign a width, height and other attributes of the video from our code. Here is the list of some Best Free HTML5 Video Player and they are as follows.
jQuery Video Streaming Plugins
Best JavaScript Audio Libraries
Plyr – Simple HTML5 Media Player

Plyr is one of the mostly used video players now a days. With its beautiful UI and attractive layout, we can use this video player without any difficulty. It is a light weighted video player. It works with any screen sizes and we do not see any defect in the video player.
Videojs – The Player Framework

Videojs is open source library that helps us to watch video on the web. It also supports both audio and video and the UI for this video player great. This video player is customizable. Customizable – in a sense that, we can simply change the skins of the player and even other layouts.
HTML5 Video Player

This is considered as the best cross browser video player. Almost all the browsers supports this player. Using this, we can even convert any video file type to HTML5 and can simply upload in the web. This is also cross platform compatible. It supports iOS, Android or windows mobile also.
jQuery HTML5 Audio/ Video Library

This is similar to the Videojs. That is, it is also free and open source media library that helps us watch video on the internet browsers. This player is written in Javascript and is considered as jQuery Plugin. This supports both audio and video into our websites.
More Detail
Open Source HTML5 Video Player

It is same as Videojs. It is a mixture of javascript and CSS library, which is very much easier and compatible with the HTML5 Video. This video player is highly customizable. We can customize the skins of video player in the real time. With the link below, we can directly embed this to our website.
MediaElement – Video and Audio Player

It is also a free and open source javascript file, which we can use in our websites. We can find the plug –in made for Media Element JS. We can simply download a package of it and we can use it to embed it in our websites. That is quite simple process.
Video Player
Custom HTML 5 Video Player

It is made using HTML, CSS and JS. It is a simple and beautiful video player we can make ourselves. We can simply customize the code and change the video player as our wish. The link below takes us the demo of the HTML5 video player we are talking about.
View Code and Demo
Hence, here we came to know about some Best Free HTML5 Video Players. They are all different in features, but they all serve us with the same service. There may be some minor changes or minor differences between them but the main task of all of them is to display a video.
With the use of HTML5, we are able to display the video in our websites. Otherwise, before HTML5, it was possible only with flash players and other third party options.
Therefore, what we can say is, we can select the best among them that satisfies all of our requirements.