jQuery is a widely popular JavaScript library. jQuery is widely used because of its simplicity and functionality. Because of this, there are various plugins for jQuery developed by web developers. Among them are the free jQuery calendar plugins. Whether you want to just display a calendar or use it for further purposes such as event logging or date picking, these jQuery calendar plugins can be very helpful. They are designed beautifully and perform calendar tasks well.
In today’s world of limited time, everybody needs a constant reminder of their time and events. People need to keep track of their tasks while working. A calendar is a very helpful widget for such needs. Furthermore, a calendar with functions is much more appreciated. So, developers have developed calendar plugins using jQuery for easy integration and performance.
Best Free jQuery Calendar Plugins for Web Designers
We have collected some of the best jQuery calendar plugins for web designers. Take a look at their features and functionalities. You can choose to use them anytime you need a calendar for your site.
Lightweight Simple jQuery Slider
jQuery Plugins for Mobile Websites
Full Calendar

Full Calendar is a drag and drop event calendar built on jQuery. It features basic calendar grid view and list view. you can add events to your date. It also features timezone support and google calendar.

CLNDR.js is a jQuery plugin for creating calendars. It has beautiful interface with beautifully styled dates. It features functions like Automatic mouse events and Event sorting.
Date Time Picker

Date Time Picker is a jQuery plugin for date and time selection. The calendar is nice and beautiful and comes with light and dark theme. you can also select time from the same calendar. Furthermore, you can also choose date or time period for your events.
Calendario Calendar Plugin

Calendario is a flexible calendar plugin for jQuery. It is made with grid layout and is responsive as well. While on large screen, it displays grid calendar layout. And while on small screens, it displays list layout.
jQuery Verbose Calendar

jQuery Verbose Calendar is a different type of calendar plugin. Instead of regular grid based calendar layout, it displays the months and days quite uniquely. You can add events on dates using JavaScript.
Calendar Demo | Download

Monthly.js is a responsive jQuery plugin for calendar and events. It provides a full-fledged calendar as well as a separate date picker. On top of that, it has beautiful interfaces with well designed layouts.
Demo | Download

Pickadate.js is a mobile friendly jQuery plugin for date and time picking. It is a lightweight and responsive plugin. It also supports touch and keyboard inputs.
Demo and Download

glDatePicker is a simple jQuery calendar plugin. One feature is that you can set data on special dates. You can select month or year from dropdowns easily.
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Zabuto Calendar

ZabutoCalendar is a jQuery calendar plugin for Bootstrap website. You can customize various options such as language settings, navigation settings and display settings. You can also display events using AJAX and JSON.
Demo and Code
Ion Calendar

Ion Calendar is a jQuery calendar and datepicker plugin base on Moment.js. This calendar is flexible and supports multiple calendars in one page. it is cross-browser compatible and also supports touch screens.
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jQuery Datepicker

jQuery datepicker is a simple popup calendar plugin for your input fields. It is activated when you focus on an input field. It can be used to select individual dates or range of dates.
Code and Demo

jQuery.calendarPicker is lightweight jQuery calendar plugin. Unlike regular calendars, it shows months and dates in a linear fashion. It supports mouse wheel scrolls on months and dates as well.
Code and Demo
So, there were our picks on best jQuery calendar plugins. Calendar plugins can be use in most websites. If not for event logging or tracking, they can be used plain for just displaying. The jQuery plugins are free to download and edit. Therefore, you have the freedom to explore and change them according to your requirements. We hope we have made your task easier by making this simple list.