When it comes to the icons we use in our designs, no icons can make the design look good than the vector icons. Yes, vector icons are one of the best icons we can see on today’s designs. If none has any idea about the vector icons, we can define vector icons as such icons that we can download from the internet and we can manually edit them to make it look more beautiful. Because of its beauty, vector icons are widely used by many of the designers nowadays. They just only do not look good but they are simply awesome.
It is a very difficult task to search for the perfect icon on the internet during the time of design. It does not only waste the designer’s time but also make him mentally ill. Therefore what we can say is, more than the pressure of designing, the designers are worried about the designs of the icons and their sources.
Best Free Vector Icons Collection
Therefore, here we deal about the list of websites that provides us the free and best vector icons collection. These icons from different websites, provides a big relief to those designers who are always worried about the designs of the icons. With these websites, we can simply download those icons and use them in our designs. so, here comes the lists below.
Material Design Animated SVG Icons
Handwritten Fonts For Designer
100 Universal Vector Icons

This website, also called freepik, provides almost all the icons we use in our designs. We can simply download those icons free. And, there is the option for premium account subscription that provide us more features. From emojis to social media icons, we can find anything here.
Web and Technology Dev. Icons Sets

It belongs to the similar source as that of previous one. The only difference in it is that here we focus on the icons used in the web and technology. This link down below contains the bundle of vector icons that we can use in the web development.
iOS Edge Free Icons

This website provides us the vector icons that are mainly suitable for iOS apps. However, we can also use them in other designs. Generally, these type of icons are used by iOS app developers to add them into their apps. These icons maintain the standard guidelines of Apple.
Sea Free Icons

The icons from this websites are also similar to that of other. The main difference, being the nature of the icons used. That means, the type of category of icon available in this website is slightly different from the other one.
Free Game Icons

These type of icons are often seen in mobile and PC games. We see these icons mostly used in the games. The icons for Players, Settings, Statistics, etc are available in this website. Therefore, if someone is developing a game, this source is the perfect for them.
Kitchen Free Icon Set

When we need to add the icons similar to kitchen appliances, we can find those icons from here. There may be a situation, when we need to design a menu for a restaurant. In such conditions, we can use icons from this website. It consists of food and kitchen tools.
70 Free All Purpose Line Icons

This website contains the set of 70 icons that we can use for free. We can simply download the icon and then use it in our designs. From basic to professionals, we can find each and every icons here.
90 Free Icons for Sketch and Illustrator

This website contains the same icons and it contains about 90 free icons to use. We can manually edit the icon after it is downloaded. Mainly we must have the software that can edit the icons and then we can edit it in a simple way.
ByteSize Icons

With 32 X 32 grid, the icons are made. These are the very low sized icons and they can be used in our designs that will definitely reduce the size of the overall design. These icons are also flexiable. That means, we can edit them as per our wish.
1800 Free Minimal Icon Pack

This website provides us the icons in different formats like .png, .sketch, .psd etc. They contains a set of 1800 icons which means, we don’t need to search for the icons anywhere. We can get any icon from the same source. They are also in very minimum size.
Web Icons Collection

These icons from the Freepik provide us the icons that are very much useful in web developing. It consists of the vector icons that we often see and use in websites and web development. It generally contains the icons like Settings, Zoom In, Zoom Out etc.
Web Design Icon Set

These icons are also from Freepik. This set generally contains the icons that are very much useful for web designing. They may be the icon that are suitable for the templates, some web forms or anything.
132 Line Icons

Line icons are simply created by the lines. Meaning that, there is no any use of the other tools while designing those icons. The designer of these icons creates them in some software using very low memory lines so that the overall size of the icons will also be very less.
Icon Set

This contains the set of 144 icons that we can use in our designs. it contains almost all type of icons and they are also less in size in comparison to others.
App Icon Free Vector Set

The icons from the Freepik that are suitable for apps are available in this website. That means, when it comes to designing an apps, there must be the use of appropriate icons that we can find here. They are simple and low sized too.
Hence, here we come to know about many sources of Best Free Vector Icons Collection. They all have different sets of icons with them but they all have the same motive of providing free vector icons to the designers and they are also successful on their motives.
Therefore, with the help of these icons, we can make our designs not only look better but make them look smarter.