Whenever you go to any restaurant what’s the first thing you ask? Yes, you are right its the WiFi password in the context of 21st century but what’s beside that? Menu isn’t it? Why menu on the very beginning? It’s because you would like to know what the restaurant has to offer but do you see any restaurant offering menu in just a list format? No way that adds confusion to all. You see different cuisines category and foods under them along with mouthwatering images. So why websites would be any exception considering it serves the same principle with restaurant example. One of the easiest way to achieve it is react menu bar. Different react menu component example shows how navigation becomes effective with their usage.
Any website wants its users to have a good time around it and get good reviews and SEO scores. You don’t want your visitors to be bored and take an eternity to find anything. Simply use the react menu bar and you will have a head start. Its difficult to imagine web application without any menu or navigation path shown. You’ll need to design and develop yourself to go through it without good navigation option. Good user interface is what every project owners ask in the very beginning and its what shown to the clients for proceeding forward. Only after that comes the features. Hence, this article will help you understand the component of react for amazing designing and user experience.
- Sticky header elements
- React tree view component examples
- Animated menu examples
- React tabs component
- Carousel slider code snippet
Collection Responsive React Menu Component/Libraries For React App
Here we bring you 10+ menu design with animated effects for any web application. You can also easily add the react menu component to your application by importing the libraries. This will come in handy for anyone looking for quick designs to start working on implementation features.
1. Tooltip Menu For React
Website with menu containing menu i.e. menu bar with components as restaurant cuisines. The component further contains sub menu. But you see the menu is in the middle of the screen not the top so what happens if you scroll down such that menu bar is somewhere bottom. The way this react component handles the situation is its key feature. The tooltip sub menu appear either at top or bottom depending upon available space.

The react menu bar contains sub menu with matching font colors and icons in a correct margin alignment. The react menu comes in handy in situations where you have something like slider on top so menu bar can be at bottom at times. This makes react navigation within reach at most instance considering freeze effect for menu component as enhancement. So you know how you can manage the sub menu items in a space sufficient manner.
2. React burger menu
Name of the react menu example comes from its piled up appearance. Like components of a burger come one over another here a number of menu are aligned over each other. Either you’re website contains thousands of content or the app you are making offers multiple stages under different categories you may want to give users option to select on the very beginning. This react feature improves the navigation for users allowing them to reach any point from single stop.

The styles and transition effect comes from CSS transitions and SVG path animations. As this will probably be the landing page for the website or home page it offers good initial impression for users to continue further.
3. RC Menu – React menu component
Nested menu arrangement along with alternative hierarchical menu driven view offers both navigation and tracking. Menu bars are customizable to horizontal or vertical view with custom icons and animation. Furthermore, disabled component on the react bar appear faded and unclickable adding controlled view and access to different features.

Multiple types of view such as scrollable drop down menu, menu component by group are key to its usage. They are free to integrate or build upon for personal or commercial projects. However make sure to follow licence terms.
4. React Slide In Menu
Slide menu bar is fairly these days for any content management related application or admin and even general users of some system. The feature includes ability to expand and collapse the menu as per requirement. According to this, the contents can align themselves making efficient space utilization.

The react menu example provides always available navigation option to different actions improving efficiency and user experience with the system.
5. React Dropdown Menu
Dropdown menu are often useful when yo have to go through selection among multiple list of items. For an instance take an example of e-commerce site. Under multiple categories you will find multiple dropdown item lists. If you select mobile phones then drop down may contain companies supplying mobile phones for that site and so on similar examples.

This example of react menu is a simple not over complicating anything. Moreover the css transition effect and animation for hovering and selection makes keeping track of selected item easy.
6. React Hamburger Menu Example
What is the best thing that top organizations do? Marketing right? And what makes their marketing effective? Its their ability to always stay within the reach of users. Users neither have to cross mountains nor rivers to reach them. They are just a step away to address the needs of the users. How is this all related to react menu example? Well, its because it follows the same principle.

Initially the menu is not visible yet its not that far either. The hamburger icon along the logo hides the menu bar until required. Click on the icon brings the slides down menu bar from top. Since they are hidden they occupy no space at all putting just a doorway to reach them. Thus, having accessibility and space management efficiency.
7. Menu Animation – React
Here we have another example of a space efficient menu bar which appears only when necessary. On other time, the menu is hidden away from the screen rolling in the menu after click on plus icon.

This example of react menu animation is fairly popular for profile related side bar. We can find profile picture instead of plus sign icon in the most case and menu bar containing the contents such as edit profile, settings, log out etc. These are good menu bar examples for mobile applications since allocating a fixed width for an application would be very expensive and this one completely hides the menu allowing content to occupy full screen.
8. React slidedown menu component
The snippet uses a React Add-on called ReactCSSTransitionGroup for slide down animation upon hovering through top menu bar components. While doing so the sub menu are mounted and unmounted from DOM. CSS coding is relatively easy for this; one of the reason for such design to be popular among a number of websites these days.

You must have seen this react menu slide down animation with sub menu options dropping down on hover. This contributes to easy navigation for users without having to click and check every tab to know what’s in there. You can simple hover have a quick look and move along if its not there.
9. React Menu – A site menu built in React
This react menu is a pile of menu components on above each other. The extra width during the selection of menu bar component adds the zoom effect. Moreover, the vertical slider which the author calls “Vertical Magic Line” has transition effect just visible to eyes. That it, navigating across multiple bar components give a sliding animation effect.

The react bar components are getting darker as they navigate below giving the impression of light exposure from the top. They are good elements for any web sidebar trying to disseminate powerful menu option while using minimum effort.
10. Navigation Menu- React JS
Focus for active menu bar, light focus on hovering element and neutral effect for rest gives this navigation menu.As you see they look like different block aligning in a proper orientation with respect to each other. Simplicity is the power of this react navigation bar. Author has made the use of simple, light colors that are pleasant to eyes and won’t distract attention from main contents.

To achieve this react menu bar, you will need to defined properties for focused division, hovering effects and position only. Furthermore, you just need to make index available upon click from JavaScript. Simple yet effective is the only way to define this menu bar.
11. Button Menu
The button menu is an example of menu bar with spring like feature. It is in the sense that the cross button initially compresses all the menu components into a button of 3 dots. Similarly the click on the button represented by 3 dots releases the compressed menu components on both direction.

Since the navigation components appear on both side and initially its a single indicator representing the bar, it becomes necessary to keep the indicator in the middle. However, placing just a button on the middle of header may not look that appealing unless it goes well with other header components like image sliders. Therefore, it will be more practical to use this menu bar as footer. It can be used as indicator for page numbers of an article and as the user reaches the end of they page instantly they will have access to navigate to next page.
12. React-Contexify
Lazy loading is the feature almost all if not all websites are trying to implement these days. You don’t want your visitors to wait for content on the bottom to load when its the content on first that they want to see. Demo of this react menu shows poping the contact details on reaching that area. This makes sure that users don’t miss animation effect you have worked on so hard by loading them early in the page.

You can configure the menu bar as per your need For example if you prefer lighter theme just click on menu bar with label theme and you can easily shift to that. Moreover, there are animation effects like fading, poping, flipping and zooming. These effects can be included when users reach that section on the page and also while leaving the section. Simply import the react library from the link provided below and you can get started with you project.
We have gone through a number of react menu component in above examples. We believe we have given you some idea of react navigation behavior and its implementation for your next personal or commercial project.
Provided that you’re a back end developer you can simply import the library from links provided above or if you’re looking for enhancing your front end skills or just getting started too above examples should be really helpful. You can check our other topics on web designing tricks and components for more on trending web development needs.