We have yet again come off with a different javascript button design. Today, we have brought some new and existing close button examples. Close button with javascript design has been here for years. Without a doubt, these buttons come up with a variety of usage in the code. Web developing is hard when you don’t have access to proper designs. So, we are here to guide you to a new world of flawless and astonishing designs. The article contains handpicked a creative close button design example.
A few years back it was a bit difficult to get access to pre-built design. Everything needed to be built from scratch. But not building from scratch isn’t the go-to method. There are already millions of designs pre-built. Also, experienced developers have posted their works online. So, in a world where time is limited. Why still build from scratch? We are here to help you with the designs. We have come up with a full list of close button designs made using javascript.
Before jumping into the design section. Let’s get to a brief description of close buttons. We have encountered close buttons even if it was just for an arcade video game or in a computer application. Close buttons function as a switch for ending a certain task. Developers are more familiar with the term as an application depends on close buttons. So, now let’s dive right into the design portion.
Collection of Close Button Javascript Examples with Source Code
You can analyse and pick out a design suitable for your webpage. The design is made available for you everyone.
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Let,s get started with the button design.
JavaScript Open / Close Button Animation

The first design on our list is an open/close menu button. The design has a clean texture. The design format suits well for a side-nav bar. The button distinguishable shows the opening and closing portions.
In addition, the close buttons are designed through the use of JS. These close and opening buttons play a significant function in indicating a hidden navigation bar or other content. The animation applied is really appreciable.
Furthermore, talking about the effects the lines are interchanged to a cross sign and vice versa. This design is integrating and provides a functional close/open button design.
JS Open And Close Button with Animation

The design has a fascinating look to it. The functionality is the same as an open/close button. These button has been designed with javascript. Moreover, the button effect applied is really appealing. With no hesitation, the design can be involved in your webpage and application.
Furthermore, talking about the effects, the closing button is showed case when the icon is triggered. The plus sign revolves to a certain angle forming a cross icon. Without a doubt, the open/close button creates an appealing look for your website.
Animated Menu Close Button Example

Moving towards the other design, the button offers an opening and closing icon for the menu. The design is straightforward. It directly indicates a hidden menu inside the button. The js effect applied to the button also is clean and simple.
The text and the lines both are clickable. These button designs are most popular in web application designs. In addition, talking about the button, in particular, web designs will come in handy to display a window on click. And, again hide the window with a single click.
Moreover, the design has a decent finish. The animations are soothing and fluent. In addition, a brief description of the effect, the two vertical lines cross out forming a close button.
Open/Close Menu Button Code Snippet

Kris Ellery has come up with an intriguing open/close menu button. The design has a winning animation. In the context of design, the button offers an appealing three-line icon with astounding colour.
Furthermore, the open/close button have js applied onto them. The design can function as a menu button as mentioned in the title. The js design of the open/ close button not only looks appealing but also function well.
Besides, the effect coded is quite impressive. With the two lines forming a cross. At the same time, a white colour background appearing for the close button goes easy on the eyes.
JS Close Button UI Collection

Jonas Badalic has come up with an interesting way to present the close buttons. The 13 different close button are visually appealing and gets the job done. As of today, User Interface has become an important factor in development. But with the short project data, it becomes nearly impossible to have a perfect UI.
However, designs like these greatly help the development community. 13 different effects to choose and a perfect representation provides great boots. The effects are appealing and the close button function absolute impeccably.
Without a doubt, the code provides with cool button UI. With that being said, the code for the collection is available and free for use.
Javascript Close Window Button

Users usually get fed up with pop-ups and alert boxes. Although, the pop-ups function as an important notice to the readers. Benjamin Dolton has come up with a custom pop up UI for your webpage. The pop-up window applies a blur effect to the background. Subsequently, diverting the user mind to the window and especially, the close button.
Moreover, talking about the window, the window contains two other buttons. The close button fades the window and the blurry js effect is applied show-casing the actual content. On the other hand, a learn more button can have a variety of usage according to your subject of matter.
Responsive Bodymovin Close Button Function

Let me introduce you to a spectacular close button design. The design consist of a cool animation effect. The close button is clearly visible and has a fascinating UI. In addition, the design offers an appealing javascript effect to the window using the close button.
We might have seen mostly the focus is on the close button. However, this design emphasizes the window while keeping a flawless close button design. The close button function to hide the window when triggered.
The design can be updated by adding some new windows in the background. And, using the first-hand design as a cover for the actual content. This close button example has a good utilization of js and a proper function to the button.
Mobile Menu Open Close

The smartphones user have raised by a lot in these short years. Developing web pages and applications responsive and suitable for every device is getting harder. At the same time, having to design different web page/ application suitable for different platforms make it even harder.
To tackle the obstacle, developers are using pre-built designs. This not only makes development easy but also better. Bjack has designed a beautiful navigation menu suitable for the mobile platform. You won’t have to worry as this design accomplish all the features of the navigation bar.
Furthermore, the open/close button function display the navbar with a js animation. The button is situated in the top right corner. A triggering point makes it rotate turning into a close button. At the same time, a navbar window slides down. These js examples of a full navbar might provide you with a good time developing your platform.
Hamburger SVG Menu + Close Button

We might have moved a little out of track with that menu design. Now, let’s get straight forward to the buttons icons. The design consists of an open menu icon and a close menu icon. Indeed, the functionality and button sections are very similar. However, the close button example some with a hover effect implied.
Hover effect kind of gets unnoticed. Usually, these effects can be ignored while developing huge projects. However, these effects on the button provide some useful guidance to their cursor location. And, also distinguish icons with buttons.
Furthermore, talking about the design, on hover the icon squeezes into a diagonal red shape. Besides, on click, the icon inside the shape converts into a cross sign forming a close button. The design has a simple application on javascript in the meantime offers a decent js effect to the open/close buttons.
jQuery Simple Modal Box Snippet

We have again come up with a pop-up window and a variety of button designs packed in one. The window model is s straightforward design with no exaggerating colours or animation. The UI and effects are elegant and clean.
In particular, the button design offers a great deal in a single code. To begin with, a button example is presented followed by a pop-up window. In addition, the window consists of a javascript effect applied on the close button on the top right corner.
The design is simple and functional. New features can be altered into the code as per your needs. Also, the window pop up animation is soothing and satisfying. These kinds of designs are always great when it comes to a professional website.
Full Screen Overlay Close Icon

It might seem a little bit outside the topic. Although, a full-fledge functional code always excites a developer. The design is a fully functional mobile navigation bar. Even though, the design outputs a generic nav-bar. It lacks a proper open button but that’s not a big deal. You can choose a variety of open buttons with appealing javascript effects from the article.
Moreover, the design provides a responsive navigation bar window and a close button. The design includes a transparent background for the window. In addition, the navbar isn’t your regular half screen navigation bar. It covers ups the entire screen with the window.
The design can be summed up as a fade in and fade out effect applied to the navbar. The close button is easily accessible in terms of the mobile user perspective.
Back And Close Icon Design

An awesome design concept for the close button. The design is pristine and the icon texture fully matches the background well. Even though, it seems to be a simple concept. The button serves various functions as per need. It can also be followed by beginners as an example of the js application and close button design.
Furthermore, moving forward to the design. The buttons have a clean and aesthetic finish. Talking about the function of the button, it can be applied as a button that directs the window back and forth with a little additional javascript.
Moving on to the animation, the close button shapeshift into a sideways arrow. Not much of animation and exaggeration. Without a doubt, the button has an appreciable UI and functionality.
Simple Menu Buttons

Moving onto the next design, we have four unique menu icons. Menu icons are getting popular for use on mobile platforms. The menu is icon design are really well thought of. These menus open/close buttons can have great use when linked to a window through javascript.
Moreover, moving onto the design, the buttons are really responsive. Each of the individual button icons has a different effect applied to them. At last, this open/close button example provides a variety of options of buttons.
Mighty Morphin Power Icon

Houbly has come up with a clean design for different button icons. The design has a simple navbar and changing buttons. This can be used as a blueprint to code a perfect javascript button. The design has a simple finsih to it. The design has a variety of button icons. In addition, the design also provides a naviagtion bar.
Moving further to the design, the design has five different button types. The nav bar changes the shape of buttons from add to left. The js button design in this are responsive. And, also the avilability of different design makes it possible to have different function.
Material Design Menu Open Close Icon

At last we have come up with an js menu and close button design. The design bu peter cameron is fantastic and joyful. The button is huge in terms of the size. However, the button deisng for open and close menu is responsive and can have a function in the website. These javascript button can function as a side nav bar indicator and close side nav.
Let’s talk about the design, the button has a huge size. However, you will be able to adjust it according to your prference. The design is colourful and spreads color on different actions. The colour combination and box shadow makes the design captivating.
So, these were all the HTML, CSS and js applied button designs on our list. You can find other designs available on our website. The close button in the article are new and enchanting. I hope, we were able to help you out with these menu and close button example. A button isn website have different function and keeping all that in mind, we came up with this js menu , close, open , indicator button design for your website.
In coclusion, there are thousands of button designs available on the interent. So, finding a particular design for your project is a confusing task. Our articles are here to help you tackle these problem through providing a hand picked designs for your project. The jasvascript button designs are soothing and range from a professinal button design to joyful and colourful button design. At last, thank you all the developers reading the article and designers who made these amazing designs.