The circular menu breaks the nonexclusive UI example of even navigations. During a course of the period, we brought menu styles for side bar, header, as a dropdown, alongside switch button covering more than 100 models. Be that as it may, there’s one kind of menu models that we may have missed; that is circle menu. Nowadays circular menu is in effect progressively famous as it looks beautician and alluring. This menu is for the most part utilized for the application based things. This menu is for the most part utilized for the webpage of little handheld gadget like tab, mobile telephone. So today in this article, we present you beautiful collection of JavaScript/JS Circle or Circular Navigation Menu Example along with the source code.
Right off the bat menu ought to be reasonable and what’s more on the off chance that the navigation appearance and conduct is astonishing, at that point client experience can be up to the rooftop. Liveliness for this must be brisk and in a way that thinks about the message, the application is attempting to pass on.
At that point comes the part when you pick the coordinating hues, thing determinations coordinating the topic of your website. You won’t have any desire to over confound things for the sake of styling so it gets hard to explore inside the menu itself.
Collection of JavaScript Circle Menu Example with Source Code
Also, the code snippet used to make this format is shared legitimately to assist you with seeing how the code functions.
So you can without much of a stretch tweak these free website menu formats.
- Circular Menu Code Snippets For Web Designer
- Amazing CSS Circle Menu Examples
- Full Screen Overlay Menu Navigation
So without wasting any of your time, let me directly take you to the discussion phase.
1. JavaScript Circular Rings Navigation Menu

Fist up, we have an amazing example of a circle menu. This one proceeded to execute precisely the equivalent as an unadulterated sun. The toggle menu extends to frame a layer of menu segments contrasting regarding obscuring foundation shading.
You can click anyplace inside the layer for navigation or on the other hand abbreviate the choice window by redoing the code for this circular menu.
2. Material Design JS Circular NavBar Example

At whatever point we see a toggle button at some side of the page, we envision just a sliding rectangular menu alternative. Notwithstanding, this one is a special case while offering a menu as a layer of waves.
In the science textbook, you may have seen pictures of various layers of climate. Here you see various layers of menu parts like an edited picture of a concentric circle.
3. Circle Navigation Menu Animated Effect

Circle Navigation Menu Animated Effect is a different one from all of the models referenced previously. In this case menu choices essentially jump out from the hamburger menu icon. Only icons are present which circles the hamburger icon.
A tad of fun character is added to this menu alternative when thy pops out from the hamburger menu, which gives a smooth and fluid feel to the interface.
4. JavaScript Animated Sweet Circle Menu

In the very first glance, this will give you a DJ vibe. An animated circle menu has a small arrow in it. The menu icons are present in a half-circle. As you click the icons, the arrow also faces pointing to the respective icon.
The designer has only presented the icons as a half-circle, but you can do it in full circle as well. Before and After pseudo elements utilizes for the styling purpose.
5. Circle Social Media Icon Menu

We saw various toggle menu models. For the most part, was a rectangular menu compartment. Not this one, however. It’s a menu that spreads like a circular segment like moving peacock.
Then again on the off chance that you like more film reference, it’s like the mystical shield of Doctor Strange, well not exactly the styling however as far as appearance.
6. JS Half Circle Menu Code Snippet

Another circle menu which reminds you of a rainbow. As the title refers, the menu icons are present in a half-circle. Different icons related to Science is present in the design. They have been imported from Font Awesome.
Likewise, as you hover over the icon, it dims out and the numbering is also seen at the base. For example, if you hover over the first icon, we can see Category name 01 at the base.
7. Circle Menu Design with HTML, CSS And JS

This is somewhat similar to the previous example we discussed at number 3. But the appearance is different. At first, you can just see a ‘Click Here’ Menu.
A jQuery module that makes employments of CSS3 transitions and transforms to make an enlivened circle menu around the toggle button.
A highlighter is present as we hover over them. As soon as you click on it, the menus items spin up to circle the main menu. Instead of icons, texts are used in the design. On click, the menu turns to the green from white.
8. Circular Navigation Concept

Another one on the instances of JS circle menu is a navigation idea like a paper fan hanging in the corner. It’s like having blinds on your web page.
You click on it to uncover menu parts in a circular segment style with switch breakdown impact. Movement impacts are also kept quick and clean with the goal that the client doesn’t need to stand by long for the choice to show up.
9. Animated Circle Menu On Mobile Device

This one is similar to the above one. The functionality is the same, just the appearance and the styling differs. As seen in the demo, this is mainly for mobile devices, but you can use it in other gadgets as well.
Inside a mobile phone, there is a hamburger icon at the top left. As you click on it, the menus pop up staying in an arc. Simply click the cross icon to collapse the menu.
A beautiful and wonderful looking background is also used which can make this design fit in Children website.
10. Floating Circular Menu Awesome Design

If you want your menu to be extraordinary, have a look at this JavaScript Floating Circular Navigation Menu Example. This makes you feel the menus are floating inside the water. You can see a hamburger icon at the base which is also floating a little. As you click over it, the water level along with the menu shows up. Also, the menus spin on hover.
What’s amazing in this is that a boat also comes which really makes you feel the menus are inside an ocean. Isn’t the model awesome?
11. Simple Radial Menu Code Snippet

While a couple of circular menus managed this progression shrewd activity of menu parts, this one is for to a greater degree an equivalent treatment to all. This is on the grounds that all the concealed menu parts turn out from the centre at the same pace.
Also, they display blurring impact when near to center menu button. Consequently, it looks as though they are picking up center or losing center contingent on direct they are moving.
12. Interactive Website Radial Menu

As a result of the edge to edge screen pattern prevalence, the designers are continually trying better approaches to make the alternatives effectively open.
Right now, the developer has utilized an extending numerous from the circular button. The plus icon likewise changes to a cross icon on click. Also, movement impacts are smooth and the developer has utilized hues to introduce the choices engagingly to the clients.
By making a couple of changes in accordance with this bootstrap menu model, you can also utilize it in your design.
13. JavaScript Circle Navigation Menu Example

In case you are making a chart to display little details about something, then this one can become handy for you. In the above, we saw how the menus were present in the upper half. But here, the menus are present as a lower half circle.
Hover effects and click effects are also beautifully used for the design. On hover, the icon expands a little whereas the circular ball structure moves to stay in from of the chosen menu on click.
14. Radial / Circular Menu JavaScript Concept

So you prefer to have another cool option for your editor’s part? Look at the model beneath which tells the best way to make your editor cool. Editor, as well as a scope of uses, can be made with this format. Another model that strikes from seeing it is nourishment menu in the dining table.
Along these lines, if your application is something identified with nourishment, a couple of code to a great extent and you get a circular navigation menu rightly addressing your needs.
15. Mobile Corner Radial Menu Animation

Mobile Radial Menu Animation is a menu design layout for the mobile application. This menu design is certainly not a fast vivified one. In any case, rather than enlivening the entire menu, just the icon is vivified.
You can see a hamburger icon at the base right. As you snap on it, social networking icons are available. In the event that you need to share your social profiles, this one is the best alternative.
16. Corner Pop Out Menu with Source Code

The menus do not always need to be at the centre-right? So keeping that in mind, the designer has thought of this corner pop-out menu. On clicking the button at the left base corner will pop out the menu as an arc. The menu items expand as you hover over them.
A dark background with a glowing highlighter blends well to accomplish this circle menu.
17. Circle Nav Menu Concept

If you have ever played ‘Spin the wheel’ game, then you can relate this design. A colorful circle is used for each of the menu. As you click over any of the menus, it rotates to stay at the top and the arrow faces towards the respective menu.
Even if the menu we chose is at the base, it rotates to move to the top on click.
18. Circle Navigation Menu with TweenMax

This is actually an amazing circle menu. The choice to see the menu is in our fingertips. In a half circle, the menus are present from 1 to 8. Just slightly use your mouse to see the menus. Take your mouse to the down and up to see the rest of the menus.
You can replace the menu with your own content before you use this for your website design.
19. Simple Fancy Round Menu Code Snippet

As the name refers, this one is a Simple and Fancy Round menu. This is the same as the Circle Nav Menu Concept. Like the previous one, the menu we choose also to stay at the top.
But in this case, there are no arrows. Instead of an arrow, there is a small dot at the center. The background shading changes on hovering the menu.
20. React Button Menu For Web Designer

A button menu is utilized in the design. As you click the ‘Open’ button, the menus expand and place it making a circle and covering the button. Also on hover, the button’s dark background shading changes to blue.
Being a developer or client you will get an obvious thought how to utilize it and where to utilize it on observing the demo. The enhanced visualizations are sharp and brisk, so it doesn’t keep the client trusting that the activity will finish.
21. JS Different CircleMenu Example

This is a different circle menu with no animation. Just an arc is present which shows the menu at a particular distance. The menus have a sample text.
So you need to replace them with your own ones. With a dark background, the white text fits in the design.
22. Best Circle Menu Font Awesome Icon

Menu should impact the mind-set of watchers. For what reason would you need pitiful watchers reflecting from the plain menu when you can play with various beautiful segments.
In view of the same thing, the accompanying case of JS menu renders various segments in a circle for navigation alongside particular shading for each.
23. Circle Menu Single Page Application

This is an amazing JavaScript circle navigation menu example as both arc and the full circle is presented to the users. An arc is to show the menus and the information about the respective menu is present in the full circle. You need to scroll your mouse wheel to slide through the other menus.
You may likewise observe this impact on your mobile phones, by swiping the ‘circle menu’ from top to bottom.
24. Animation JavaScript Menu Expand

This reminds you of a solar system with a sun at the center and the other planets in the other rings. Likewise in this design, the hamburger icon acts as a sun by staying at the center and the menus are present inside the other rings.
An expanding animation is used to show the menus. Simply click the cross icon to collapse the menu.
25. JS Circle Navigation Menu Non-responsive

If you want to give some tips on how to lose weight, or how to gain weight or anything, use this one. Short and sweet tips will always attract users. Also on hover, the background shading changes to white. Both icons and texts is utilized in the design.
26. Beautiful Radial Menu with CSS and JavaScript

A radial menu like the heading signs in a rush-hour gridlock point to show that you have administrations secured for any bearing. Essentially its a similar inclination as remaining in rush hour gridlock point and searching for headings in any case.
The liveliness contains turning impact that structures a half circle menu. You see a few explorers turning in a guide to discover their next goal, your visits website can accomplish something comparable with this circular navigation menu model.
A component brimming with anticipation that your customers perhaps searching for.
27. Animated Radial Circular Menu

The animated JavaScript circular menu is for designers searching for menu parts that adjust consummately with the foundation with no aggravation. This is a result of the way that none of the menu parts has a devoted foundation layer.
They are much the same as a typical gadget and application alternate routes we have in our mobile gadget.
28. JavaScript Circular Menu Using jQuery

This is the same as the one we discussed in number 1. On click, the button at the top left will show the menu inside various rings. There are no hover effects or click effects in the design, though you can add them in no time. Ul and Li tags are utilized to accomplish the menu structure.
The design is working from the front end part. You need to take care of the back end functionality.
29. FAB Circle Menu Design Example

FAB Circle Navigation Menu Design example is an excessively simple yet cool JS/JavaScript menu content that makes style circle menu buttons with circular impacts utilizing CSS3 changes.
Snap the ‘+’ icon button to grow the circle menu. A total of 4 menus are present at the top, base, left and right to form a circular ring structure.
30. Material Design Mobile Circle Menu

In the event that you are exhausted with normal design styles, what about making a circular looking material design navigation menu for your website? This great-looking circular menu isn’t just incredibly appealing yet additionally responsive.
Likewise, you can simply close the menu by clicking the cross icon.
31. Circle Navigation Menu Icons Item

With the expanding utilization of the sleek menu, CSS and JS navigation menu is a straightforward and attractive model.
So in this example, we present you an extravagant circular navigation collapsible menu on click. This crumbling menu is very lovely and gives a materialistic look.
32. Simple JavaScript Circle Menu Concept

This JavaScript/JS Circle/Circular navigation menu example is the same as the other circle menu. In a dark background, a red and white theme blends properly.
As you click on the hamburger icon, the menu shows up making a circular structure to cover the menu icon.
The only element you need to add is the hover effects so to let the user know which one is being highlighted.
33. Simple Circle Menu Open On Hover

Simple JS Circle Menu is a straightforward and extravagant JS module that permits to popup a way like a wheel menu with cover movements when hovering the menu button.
Likewise liveliness impacts are smooth and the developer has utilized hues to introduce the choices engagingly to the clients.
Among the entirety of the menu designs, what is your preferred JavaScript/JS Circle/Circular navigation menu? Obviously, it relies upon your inclination and the topic of your website. You likewise need to consider the most advantageous technique for your perseurs. It very well may be regular or extraordinary one.
Also, these menus were designed by stunning designers to give a superior website to you!