Will you be able to envision arriving on a website with no navigation menu? It would resemble attempting to discover your way in the sea with no compass. It would be horrendous. Navigation is such a noteworthy bit of your site. It’s the way by which your visitors investigate the guideline locales of your site and makes it straightforward for them to find your extraordinary substance. Navigation menu also decides the general website client experience score. In case you are adding liveliness impacts to the website menu ensure the activity impacts are speedy with the goal that the client need not trust that the option will show up. So here we have gathered the absolute best free collection of JavaScript/JS Navigation menu example.
Website navigation will be one of the most significant highlights that you actualize. It also fills in as the compass for what is to be found on your site. On the off chance that there is no navigation, in any case, an enormous wreckage builds up itself. Have you at any point visited a website that had an away from of navigation highlights? Don’t you locate that irritating?
With the development of the current web, just as the responsive web, the navigation devices for websites have additionally advanced quickly. JS presently makes it conceivable to make staggering, one of a kind and bona fide navigation impacts that will keep clients engaged; above all, happy with the decision of having a website navigation menu by any means.
Collection of JavaScript Navigation Menu Examples with Source Code
Also, every one of these formats is simply motivations, which you can utilize for your site. The code snippet used to make this format is shared straightforwardly to assist you with seeing how the code functions.
- Full Screen Overlay Menu Navigation
- Responsive Bootstrap Navigation Menus
- Mobile Navigation Menu UI Design
You can also without much of a stretch modify these free website navigation menu formats.
1. Moving Underline JavaScript Navigation Menu

In the very first example, we have a set of Navigation menu. There are a total of 4 Nav menu which differs in appearance but shows similar functionality.
As we click on any of the menu, a colorful combination of colors are used to show the underlining impact. Likewise a gooey and sliding impact is used for the animation.
2. Purple Navbar Nice Effect Navigation

In case you are making a Fashion website, then at that case this JavaScript/JS navigation menu example can come handy for you. The design has both hover and click effect. As the title says, purple shading is used for the design.
On hover, two straight lines are present at the top and the base of the menu. Likewise, the menu gets covered inside a box on click.
3. Jelly Animated JS Menu Concept

This is a Jelly Menu concept. The designer has though of two different ways to show the menus. The social icons are present in an elongated long bar whereas other sample icons are present inside a circle.
On clicking the ‘+’ icon will also present the icons in a jelly animation.
4. Nav UI Buttons Code Snippet

Who does not love a black theme? The same theme is used in the design. Instead of text, the designer has only used icons in the design. Four icons are placed side by side inside a rounded corner box. Border radius property is utilized to make a rounded corner.
On click, the icons also gets pressed a little back and icon’s shading changes to red.
5. Menu Design with JS and CSS3

The developer Speresunko has given us a strong-looking menu design. Typographies has become a piece of the cutting edge web designs; they make the substance simple to peruse as well as gives a rich remarkable look to the design.
In case you are using typographic designs, at that point, this menu design will dazzle you. The menu options are caused greater and bolder so the client to can undoubtedly interact with it. Float impacts are likewise utilized cleverly to show the chose menu option.
6. Custom Dropdown Menu Design

This is a drop-down menu used which is very small and will not take much of your screen space. On a light background, the box looks like it is floating. Simply click on it and see how the menu appears as a dropdown impact.
Both icons and text is in the design to make it easier for you.
7. Off Canvas NavigationPage Transitions

JavaScript/JS Off Canvas navigation is a vertical hamburger style based menu example. Where this format contrasts from the remainder of the menu design is the movement impact you get when the menu grows.
By making little changes to the textual styles of the menu you can make this layout fit in your website format.
8. Sidebar JavaScript Navigation Menu Template

This sidebar format by Azouaoui Mohamed would be an incredible fit for an advanced web application. As should be obvious from the screen capture, this sidebar is situated on the left half of the webpage.
The texts are under a dark foundation. This sidebar contains navigation menus clicking which the client can explore to the different pages of the website.
Remember that you don’t really need to utilize a sidebar for just showing navigation menus, you can likewise show different things, for example, your contact information or your organization information in the sidebar area.
9. Sidebar Indicator Notification Bar Menu

This is another sidebar example which utilizes both icons and text. As soon as you snap the hamburger icon, the text also appears which likewise shows notifications.
Also, when you keep your mouse more than one of these navigation menu things, the foundation shade of these things changes to dim.
10. Awesome Circle Navigation Menu Inspiration

On the off chance that you are making a graph to show little insights concerning something, at that point this one can get convenient for you. In the abovementioned, we perceived how the menus were available in the upper half. In any case, here, the menus are available as a lower half circle.
Float impacts and snap impacts additionally delightfully utilizes for the design. On float, the icon grows a little while the circular ball structure moves to remain in from of the picked menu on click.
11. Expandable Collapsable Menu Example

Icons plays a vital role in UI structuring. In the design, you can see the ‘CodePen’ icon inside a kite-shaped structure. On hover, the model also lights up a bit.
Likewise, on click, the menus expand in the same shape to fit with the main model. You simply need to click the icon again to collapse the menus.
12. Fullscreen Menu with jQuery And Flexbox

Veronika arranged this menu using Jquery. From its name ‘fullscreen menu’ it the classes will devour the entire page. It is anything but a significant issue if all of you the basic elements of the blog are masterminded inside the gatherings.
You can see five menu classifications in an even manner. Just underneath the menu, you can see web-based life icons. If you have to close the menu, click the X button at the right half of the page.
13. Dropdown Menu jQuery Example

In the design, you can see a simple JavaScript/JS navigation menu bar example with sample texts in it. The menus are present horizontally.
One of the menu has a down arrow icon. So this indicates it has sub-menus to show. On hovering it, the sub menus appear as a drop-down impact.
14. Ribbon Style JS Navigation Example

This one is a fascinating style strip JavaScript/JS navigation menu design example. You can’t utilize this design all things considered on your website or application. In any case, you can utilize this idea as an inspiration for your website.
The lace is continually wiggling so it will give a visual show to your design. By making a couple of changes in accordance with the code, you can utilize this design on a music website. To make this intriguing CSS lace design, the maker has utilized CSS content and Javascript.
15. Amazing Angled Menu Design

This is an amazing example that covers both the menu and the background image. A hamburger menu icon is present at the top left inside a slanted line. On click, the size of it increases to showcase the menu items. Also, the hamburger menu icon changes to a cross icon.
Likewise you need to click on the cross icon to go back to the original state.
16. Real Fullscreen Navigation Design

Fullscreen Navigation Menu setup is an inventive style menu option. This design won’t fit for a wide scope of the website. The configuration follows absolutely a stand-out arrangement. As opposed to utilizing a conventional menu format, the menu options are indicated straight away when all is said in done screen.
The menus are available in four distinct segments of the page. The red foundation changes to white on the float. In this kind of configuration, the upgraded perceptions expect the key occupation than the structure. The movement impacts on this configuration are basic, essential and intuitive.
17. Stripe Style Dropdown Menu

This is yet another dropdown menu with a more powerful impact. In a blue background, three menus are present side by side. Simply hover over it and extra details appears as a tooltip.
If you need this one, simply replace the text with your content and you are ready to go!
18. Clean JS Navigation Slider

This is the same impact as the first one in the rundown. Instead of 4, here the designer has given you just one example for the navigation menu. At the point, you click on any of the menu, am underline impact slides just beneath the chosen menu.
A red underline mark is present so it is not clearly visible. You can customize the design to give it a different shade.
19. CSS Staggered Animation Dropdown Menu

Yet another Dropdown menu example for you people! The menus are present in a horizontal manner which shows transparent sub menus on hovering. Ul and Li tags are used to structure the menu and sub-menus.
For the animation purpose, thank the Keyframes property in the CSS code.
20. Animated Mobile Corner Navigation

As found in the demo, this is mainly for mobile gadgets, however, you can utilize it in different devices too. Inside a mobile telephone, there is a hamburger icon at the upper left.
As you click on it, the menus spring up staying in a circular segment. Essentially click the cross icon to fall the menu.
21. Secret Project Flat UI Design

In this design, the developer has used distinctive liveliness sway. As opposed to moving the menu bar, the developer has moved to the entire page to get the menu decision. Nothing looks odd in this action sway so you can use this effect for your mobile responsive website without any burdens.
In the default design, the developer has also given you space to include icons for the menus. Generally, font awesome icons are used in the design, so you get a great deal of well-propelled images to investigate.
22. Velocity.js Fullscreen Flexbox Overlay Navigation

JavaScript Fullscreen Flexbox Overlay Menu is a bright level website menu design. If your webpage just spotlights on relatively few of your pages and the administrations offer this website menu arrangement can bolster you.
It is a unique website menu design which you can’t use or see on may websites. The idea driving this format is stunning and furthermore innovative. The use of structure shading makes this format progressively charming.
23. JS Fullscreen Menu Flexbox Style

This is a full-screen JavaScript menu made by Marcus Hall, a CodePen customer. The website page looks amazingly direct as there’s just a single menu icon on the page and that is it.
On tapping the menu icon, the menus appear in full-screen. As the menus appear in full-screen, it gets less complex for the customer to work with them. The customer can close this menu window by tapping the cross icon.
Over the menus, there’s a space for a little icon. So you can put your association logo or some other picture there.
24. JavaScript Dropdown Menu Animation

If you want to give an interactive dropdown menu to your client, then this can be very useful for you. The designer has used the drop down impact for the settings. Simply click on it and within a second, the menu appears with a dropdown impact.
A ripple effect is present at the right side of the menu button which can really amaze the users.
25. Mobile Navigation Animation Snippet

As cell phones are turning out to be ground-breaking nowadays, they can deal with liveliness and collaborations simpler than previously. Being a developer, these incredible gadgets permit us to be considerably progressively inventive.
Right now in this menu model, the maker has utilized the comfortable hamburger style menu with some quick liveliness impact. The impacts add life to the design, in addition to it keeps the client locked in.
The liveliness impact is kept straightforward and quick with the goal that the client won’t get irritated when they see this movement every single time.
26. SVG UI Navigation Concept

By looking at the design and the beautiful colors, this can fit perfectly for a children website. In the design, there are a total of three models to showcase. The bottom two are just simple which shows the content. The upper one shows the menu icons as you click the arrow icon.
Additionally, there is a hamburger icon and a search bar at the top. All the elements are created with the help of SVG tags.
27. SVG Gooey Hover Java Script Menu

This is another Gooey menu which does not stop moving at all. As you hover it, you can see how the menu shows up. Place your mouse outside to hide the menu. SVG elements are used in the design to create all the elements.
28. Sidebar Navigation with Tooltips

Long texts can just become boring sometimes. So the use of icons can be a great help for navigation. Here, the designer has kept the menu icons as a sidebar. A tooltip is likewise present as you hover over the icons to indicate about the menu.
If you need, you can also add texts as well. But keeping only icons might be a plus point.
29. Simple JS Fullscreen Navigation

As the name derives, this one is likewise a full-page navigation menu plan. The developer has taken an increasingly convenient structure idea right now. So you can use this menu in a wide scope of websites with hamburger style menu option.
This menu setup is lighter than the past Full-Width Menu and SVG Animation menu design referenced already.
30. Header Navigation Menu with Source Code

Navigation menus always needs to be neat and clean so that it won’t irritate your site visitors. Here, the designer has used split colors i.e. light blue and dark blue. Right at the center, a hamburger icon is present which expands the menus.
Hover effects is likewise used in the design to let the user know which menu is being highlighted. You can likewise click the cross icon to collapse the menu.
31. Navigation Fullscreen Using CSS And JS

With this Fullscreen menu movement, we can see the text-transform into a different conceal when you float over it. The demo shows you the text being used as a navigation menu any way you can use it for anything that you put your mind to.
Since this is a fullscreen menu, the menu covers the entire page. It was made by the talented Felipe Espinoza.
32. Details Info & Navigation

This one is similar to the SVG UI Navigation Concept. But this one is a more functional one. Here, all three models work well to showcase the menu. On clicking the arrow will likewise show the menu icons in a half-circle.
Colorful designs makes the design looks wonderful and eye gazing.
33. Off Canvas Nav Menu

Off-canvas menu we have is similar to Amazing Angled Menu Design Concept. But this one has more contents to show. The hamburger menu is present at the top left which expands the menu on clicking it. Likewise, the menu collapses on clicking the cross icon.
Both icons and also texts is used in the design to make it easier for the viewers.
34. Fullscreen Grid View Navigation

This design is actually an assortment of liveliness impacts you can use in the website menu position. Regardless of whether you stick to conventional top bar navigation or sticky navigation bar, these little activity effects will season up your general website engineering.
This website menu movement sway consolidates four liveliness impacts. Likewise, the code to make all the four is available to you on their page. Discussing the coding, this specially coded configuration uses present-day CSS and bit of JS structures.
35. Frosty Nav Toggle Effect

Frosty Nav Toggle Effect is a basic menu navigation design with activity. As a result of its straight forward design, you can utilize this design in any websites and applications. You can actualize this menu design for both work area and mobile adaptations.
As you click on the hamburger menu at the top left, the menu appears and the background image gets frosted. That means, it looks as it is covered with a frost.
Every menu option is as a column and conveniently unfurls when you click the menu icon. Drift impacts utilizes to demonstrate which option the client will pick.
36. Hamburger Icon with Morphing Menu

The idea with this menu is nearly the equivalent with others. Despite the fact that it has something special right now. In spite of the fact that the best approach to explore is the equivalent with toggle style, the manner in which it shows up on the screen is unique. In contrast to other people, this transforming menu one side of the website.
Its shape is likewise perfect for a couple of classifications to appear. Simply click the X button on the off chance that you need to conceal it. The manner in which it was made is basic and simple to make.
For a tenderfoot, this one isn’t hard to follow. Simply duplicate the codes Sergio Andrande shared. Alter it out a bit, and afterward you are all set.
37. JavaScript Dropdown Navigation

Another dropdown navigation which has no any borders applied to it. The menus are present horizontally side by side. Also an underline impact is present on hovering to the the menus.
Out of the six, 2 of them has a down arrow icon at the side which shows the sub menus on click.
38. Full-Screen Hidden Navigation SVG Animations

Anas Ashraf made this design with HTML, CSS, and JS. But clear, it works splendidly and smooth. Now and then, it is less complex for website groups to use simpler icons where they can find what they are looking for with no issue.
You can find this menu at the upper left of the screen. You can imply four classifications. Just by tapping the once-over, the classifications will appear covering the whole screen. The foundation shading is dim and the text is white, which makes it less difficult for the group to see the titles unquestionably.
39. Gooey Mobile Navigation Design

This is yet another Gooey menu concept. The demo is present inside a mobile phone. As soon as you click the hamburger icon will expand the menus very quickly. Two menus are present at the left and the other two are present at the right.
Simply click the cross icon to collapse the menu.
40. Colourful Material Design JS Navigation

As the name implies, this one is a colorful JavaScript/JS Navigation Menu example. Each of the menu has a different shading. Also, round corners are used in the design.
On hovering, a small dot structure is present right below the menu. This will let the user know which menu is being highlighted.
41. Solution for Long Drop Down Items

This is yet another Drop down menu. The sub menu appears as you hover over the menu. To look at the bottom sub-menus, you don’t need to use the mouse wheel. So you simply need to hover down or up to see the below and above submenus respectively.
42. Full-Screen Menu Overlay

This one appears as though the full screen overlay menu in such an extensive amount perspective yet gives space for certain figures and web-based social networking options.
It is additionally coded in each of the three structures, for example, HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Ettries. It is likewise lightweight and adaptable.
43. JavaScript Flat Vertical Navigation

This is a JavaScript/JS vertical flat navigation menu example which works as an accordion. Both icons and text is present in the design. Some of the menus also has arrow icons which indicates it has sub menus.
Blue shading is used for the menus and likewise a dark shading is used for the sub menus.
44. Material Design Navigation Menu Example

This web menu design holds a standard left sidebar. Since the menu has a different space, the developer has used the space effectively with dynamic menu options.
The client can without much of a stretch monitor the pages they ran over with this design. On the light theme, design texts and the web, components are obviously unmistakable. The special visualizations likewise look appealing in obscurity shading plan.
45. Flat Horizontal Website Navigation

JavaScript/JS Flat Navigation is a boxed website menu example which you have seen a great deal in development website formats. Rather than taking an on a flat plane completely extended website menu bar just a piece of a space is taken.
Right now, you have the option to include your logo too. So this sort of menu format best suits for websites with less web pages.
The navigation website menu layout likewise bolsters drop-down menu option, in the event that in case you have to show all your subcategories additionally to the client.
46. Sidebar Accordion Menu

An awesome, dark and significant JS sidebar that will start everybody’s interest. Why entangle where you don’t need to, right? You can use the apparatus for a wide range of various points and expectations because of its remarkable adaptability.
Despite the fact that it works incredibly well as may be, you can likewise step it up by performing customization changes. The sidebar comes perfect for a profile page in an individuals’ region of a website.
Yet, that isn’t the standard that you should adhere to. Consider new ideas, and you open yourself a variety of potential outcomes simply like that.
47. Touch Device Jelly Menu Concept

Oleg Solomka made this excessively charming and phenomenal menu idea or otherwise called Lego Mushroom. Rather than utilizing a commonplace icon, he utilizes charming ones to offer shading to the thought he had as a top priority.
It relies upon your inclination whether you search for the less complex or special one. Oleg Solomka even came to his meaningful conclusion on how he made the menu button. That is just an idea. You can utilize this idea too on your website.
48. Dropdown Animated Color Menu

This is an intelligent and trendy website menu bar layout. The designer has used this menu concept to choose one color from a varieties of colors. Also in the demo form, the format utilizes for the one-page layout.
Also this layout is in a total working condition, so you can get a total in general thought of the design and how it functions by taking a gander at the demo itself. This format additionally utilizes HTML5, CSS3 and the Javascript system.
So these are the absolute best free JavaScript/JS navigation menu example you can utilize for your webpage. Every one of the layouts is likewise novel in their own particular manner.
To assist you with getting wide assortment we figured out how to gather free website menu formats with various design and highlights. What’s your preferred free website menu layout?
Furthermore, as a client what you typically expect in a website menu? Offer your considerations in the remark area beneath.