Want to use SVG Animation on your website. This is very efficient way to make your website have that premium look. There are lot of choices that you can choose from. We have created some choices for your dream website. Just look at our list and then choose what you think is suitable for your website.
SVG animation are basically animated with the help of animation elements. Not only animation elements but SVG also includes extensions compatible with SMIL animation specifications. There are lot of elements used when it comes to extending functionality of the elements. Elements like <animatetransform>, path, <mpath>, key points, rotate can be used.
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Developer who use SVG animation are similar to CSS animation. As we know that both are used create, change color, and move things. But some developer claim that where CSS misses SVG rise. Because what CSS can’t do SVG does it without problem. So if you are thinking form moving to SVG from CSS you won’t regret it.
SVG animation can be used with CSS slides. Simply you can say that any transformation that can be used on HTML element can be used on SVG. In other word SVG is just as HTML but a little advance. If there are any gap in CVG animation than those gap can be filled with SMIL. There are some advantages of using SVG over JS. For example img is embedded on SVG or can be used as background-image in CSS.
1. SVG Stroke Animation
This might just be an example of SVG animation but you can see how amazing it looks. These animation can be used on the introduction part of any website. Background can be made of any color and the animation can be of any fount. Just looking at this animation you will want to try it out.
Author: Toshiyuki TAKAHASHI
Source: Codepen.io

2. Elastic SVG Sidebar Material Design
Used mostly by social media sites. This slider is made with SVG. Just look how they are being used. The animation is very unique. All you need to do is slide the bar and you will see all the contact. This is not something you get to see everyday.
Author: Nikolay Talanov
Source: Codepen.io

3. Interactive SVG Info Graph
Graphs are always something fun to do. This animation does just that. Graph are used to make the animation look good. Mostly used in stock market and business chart. This animation is suitable for business sectors. Like any other graphs there are ups and down animation according to the data.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

4. Pure CSS SVG Countdown (Ready)
3 2 1 Go is all you will see at first. But once you see the code you will notice there are various color combinations used. The border lines using three colors and can be customized. If you need yellow get yellow and if you want green use green. Used by online games before starting a game or before a huge sale.
Author: Nikolay Talanov
Source: Codepen.io

5. Medical SVG Animated Icons
Lets say you are making website for kids. You may want the website more appealing to the kids by pop up animation. Icons used have their own animation like ambulance use its own and apple its own. This great animation which is suitable for almost any website.
Author: kittons
Source: Codepen.io

6. SVG Animation Experiment
Firstly you need to know this is not simple as it looks. This animation uses HTML, CSS ,JS and SVG. But don’t worry it will not be difficult for you as you already have the code. All you have to do is go to the source and then use the code given there. Simple but powerful animation.
Author: Hamish Williams
Source: Codepen.io

7. Rain-Bros don’t like JS
If you are not a huge fan of JS than why not use this animation. It is efficient and easy to use. On other hand you can use this animation as you like it. Use this animation at the introduction part then your website is good to go. Four hooping animation with their trail is something that will make your day.
Author: cihadturhan
Source: Codepen.io

8. SVG Bubble Slider
Using animation is already something you are familiar with. This SVG animation is just an example which can rate you thinking about the website. If you are happy than use the happy slider if you are sad then use sad icon. As emoji are very common nowadays you should alo use one in your website.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

9. SVG Drip Bounce
Well animation are very important part of any website. Even when you are on a loading screen you may want some animation. Using animation during loading can make the wait bearable. Because let’s face it no one likes to wait. Use this animation to the loading screen and your are golden.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

10. SVG Page Hopper
There are always more than one image in your slider or more than one page in a website. When you switch from one page to the other or from one image to other then this animation can come to you aid. It feels you are not just switch the content but you are playing a game which makes the work much satisfying.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

11. All Devices in SVG
If you are thinking of making a website which is suitable for any devices then you can use this animation. But if you are the only one who knows that then what do you do. You can add this animation and tell the visitors that your website works on all the devices.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

12. SVG Animated Drum Kit
If you are having trouble engaging people on your website then why not try using something fun. This animation is exactly as it sounds. This is full drum set. You can play drum with your mouse and even with your keyboard. This is a fun way to making the visitors more engaged on your website.
Author: Josh
Source: Codepen.io

13. SVG Waterfall
Well this might just look like a simple animation and you might not find a place to use it on your website. But there are lot of places this animation can go. For example you can use this animation on your loading screen where instead to looking at some boring buffer you can look at waterfall.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

14. SVG Clock
Let’s say that you might be thinking of developing website such as online news. And you might want to add some animation. Then you can use this clock animation which will not only make the website look good but will also tell the users about the time.
Author: Mohamad Mohebifar
Source: Codepen.io

15. SVG Plant Generator
Such animation that can make plant grow inside your screen is something rare. Just worry i dont mean the plant will grow outside your laptop i mean inside the screen and it is just an animation. If you making websites like go green or plant more trees then you can easily use this animation.
Author: Blake Bowen
Source: Codepen.io

16. Responsive Animated Infographic
So you want some more examples of SVG animation. Why not try this one. This animation can be used by business. Let’s say that you want some animation that tell you about the cost of any project. There is a slider which has different components. Those components tell what projects are and their cost.
Author: Sarah Drasner
Source: Codepen.io

17. SVG Paper Shredder
Tired of simple trash animation. You may not like the plain old animation when you delete some file from you site. Then you must try this animation. This animation gives you such animation that will blow your mind. This animation will show how your files are being deleted in shreding manner.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

18. Music SVG Animation
Animation that tell what a website is about makes it amazing. For example if you have a music website then why not try this animation. It gives such animation that will represent music. Headphone flows and then appears in the screen which gives you clear idea about the page.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

19. SVG Animation
Sometimes you may want some simple animation for your button. But when you look for one all you get is some high animation for it. Well this is your answer. You can get effects for your button. Simple can be the new animation which is exciting at the same time.
Author: Sean McCaffery
Source: Codepen.io

20. Jigsaw
Just because you use animation may not be the reason your visitors will stay for a long time. But if animation is fun and feel like game they are playing then they will have a lot of fun. This animation is puzzle that you can play with. You can make these puzzles and make the visitor have their fun.
Demo: lavadip.com

21. Pull Down to Refresh (Paper Plane)
This sort of animation is most useful if you are using message options. It is very cool and fun to use. All you need to do is pull down the portion and then you will get the message. It is like refreshing screen to get new messages. Easy to use and much more efficient.
Author: Niklolay Talanov
Source: Codepen.io

22.Animated SVG icons
Have some icons on your website. Want to use some animation for those websites? Then why not try some of these animations. You can get all kind of animation from UX/UI to social. You can make your icons come to life as you animate them.
Author: Luigi De Rosa
Source: Codepen.io

23. SVG.js
You want to use animation to some boring. Use this code to make them come to life. You can use these code to make it look more interesting. Your plain words can come to life with these codes. They are simple to understand but very powerful for website.

24. Animated SVG Icons
Ok using animation on your icons is something you may be looking for. Just for that you dont have to look all over the internet. Because we have something that will make your work much easier. This site has all kind of animation from slow to fast to hover. Everything you could ask for.
Source/Demo: Tympanus.net

25. Material Design SVG Loader
More animation means more visitors. Animations such as these can make you boring common websites much more attractive and efficient. This could be your key to uplift your website and increase your visitors. Easy and effective animation.
Source/Demo: samherbert

26. Wow SVG Camera
Do you want video which reflects your work. But you are worried about all the space that it will consume. Then why not try this animation. Animation like these uses commands and not the actual picture. They can reduce the size and help you save your precious size in the webpage.
Source: svg-wow.org

27. Diving SVG Animation
Bounce and bounce. Sometime it is just the animation you may want. You are working on the website and let’s say you want to use something exciting. Why not try this animation. It is not so difficult to code and is simple looking which makes the website look good and have something extra.
Author: Chris Gannon
Source: Codepen.io

28. SVG Animation
You may want to use some animation during the beginning of your website. It may very well be the most important animation. If you are a computer company and you want to show something related to computers then you dont need much edit but if you want something else then well little edit can do no harm.
Author: Hoàng Nhật
Source: Codepen.io

29. Open/Close SVG Drawer
When you have added animation for almost every part of your website. But if you have no animation for your menu then what do you do. No need to worry we have you covered. All you need to do is go to the source and make animation for the menu as per your requirement.
Author: John Choura Jr.
Source: Codepen.io

30. Gooey Menu Using CSS and SVG Filters
Use of SVG give you some of the most amazing animation but if you can add CSS in the picture then well you get the best. This kind of animation can be used if you want menu which is gooey. With this animation you can make menu open in a new way.
Author: Lucas Bebber
Source: Codepen.io

31. Just Keep Going
Such animation that goes on for a long time is something that you may want. Then well you have the answer for that. For example if you are making fitness website then what is better than using animation that just keeps on going.
Author: Diaco M.Lotfollahi
Source: Codepen.io

At the end all you need to know is that when you use animation you can make better website. Using SVG animation is unique and can fill gap that CSS and JavaScript has. Sometimes you can get some unreal animation you might not even have thought about. So what i suggest is if you have creative mind then use it to make animation with the help of SVG. As SVG can make animation much more coller and make them much responsive as well. From growing a plant to a man walking for ever all can be done with SVG.