Input components have been around for a long time. From the time of basic HTML input Textarea or textfield in forms to now in more advanced frameworks like react. While many are not concern about the usability and potential of the input fields in a website. The textarea or input field has greater importance in terms of user experience. Also, in return, we get a lot of value from these components. So, today we have come up with some spectacular input text design on react. These react designs will have a great impact on your textinput or other input fields.
Furthermore, speaking about the input text fields. Many of us are familiar with these things. From online shopping to any e-commerce business, we can find various input designs inside forms or other contexts. This input field provides your user to provide values that are usually not predictable. For example name, feedbacks, address, phone number, etc, and many more. You are able to find this component on every website.
Although, we find the input component being widely used. Many of us tend to spend a very little amount of time decorating them. Although, it seems not that big of a deal. However, for users filing a form or providing any kind of information, a text field design makes a great difference. Moreover, with the hectic schedule to complete the project, filing in every detail might be difficult. So, we are here to help out with some cool react js input field designs.
Collection of React Input Text Component Examples with Source Code
Although, the input field covers a very little portion of the actual website. However, these input components are what your user will interact with. Mostly, if you are developing an e-commerce website or anything requiring user input. Not only a great UI helps the user to conveniently insert values but will stick to your webpage.
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Moving along this article, you will be able to address different input designs. Especially, the ones with a great interface and effects. So, without further talking let’s move into the designs.
React Native Phone Number Input

The very first design we have on our list is for react native applications. This composition serves a variety of different features. Input text field in mobile applications is quite difficult to adjust. However, this design has a great execution for having a better user interface with a great experience.
Furthermore, this react native is focused on getting phone numbers as input text. However, the feature doesn’t end there. In addition, this project provides a cross-platform support with phone numbers for every country. Not to worry, the UI is also fully customizable.
Jumping into the functionality, the react textinput provides a clean interface. And, offers a selection of different countries as per requirement. In addition, it has a number validation of google. Undoubtedly, this textarea proves to be perfect for your react project.
React Animated Phone Input

Further on, we have a beautiful input text design in react. This one is more focused on the user interface. It has a beautiful finish with soothing animation. This design provides an appealing number input using react js and SCSS.
A hypnotic gradient effect is applied to the background. This phone textarea has a great view in terms of design. In addition, this design provides an alleviating effect on input of number or erasing number from the textfield. Clearly, with the addition of the required function, this can serve as a great engaging textarea composition for your react projects.
Pass Strength Shield Text Input

Password is not a regular textinput. These need special care and handling. So, having a login page in your web page/ application, you will need to ensure a proper field for passwords. However, ensuring security doesn’t mean you can’t add some proper designs. This package provides a clever execution for a great interface and password input field.
Furthermore, the design has a pacifying color contrast. In addition, a clean completion of the textarea. A pristine design with privacy in mind. Undoubtedly, this design is a great alternative compared to other designs out there. A great react input design for text as password.
Talking about operability, the package provides a text field. In addition, it contains some soothing effects. On input of a password, the text isn’t directly shown. At the same time, the icons on the side change from a key to an eye symbol.
React Native Input Bar

The textarea or textfield isn’t limited to be used in a form. It maintains a flexible position for use in any context. Long before social media, the text messages we sent had an input text field. Similarly, today social media use it for conveying messages. Email or a message input field is required. So, this design provides a simple react native input text component.
Let’s talk a little more about the design. It provides a simple and useful input textfield. This has a smooth functionality with customization available. You can replace the attachment icon with emoji or other stuff. Overall, this design is perfect for any react application implementing input field.
React Native Textinput Effects

Moving on, we have an awesome react js library providing some of the amazing input field effects. This react project has some cool effects for your static textinput field. It provides more than 10 different effects and interfaces for your text fields.
Furthermore, this provides all the dynamic effect needed for your textfield. All effects aren’t possible to be described. So, you can try out the different effects from the demo link below. Undoubtedly, if you’re looking for something amazing for your input fields. Then, surely, this one is made for you.
React Native Input Scroll View

Input fields requiring a minimal amount of string are optimal. However, with fields like remark or feedbacks or email. This textarea can cover and have an input of multiple lines. However, as the line increases maintaining the current line is necessary. So, for solving the problems for multi-line input. This react design makes sure your user gets the best experience while handling long text content.
Further on, this design has tried to eliminate different possible and major problems for any multi-line input in the application. The textarea automatically adjusts the position according to the height of the keyboard. Altogether, provide a great user experience and easy handling.
Text Input Mask for React Native

Another, spectacle package filled with some awesome features for text fields. This react native project has implemented a mask. So, users will have less chance of errors. Mask helps to limit the input and errors by limiting the input. These are used for important input fields like credit card numbers, pin codes, and many more.
So, this package allows you to implement different textfield areas with mask for your react applications. A super simple installation followed by great functionality. This design provides great functionality in different contexts.
React Native Masked Text
The input mask is a useful feature to have in any input component. This makes it easy for users to see and input the correct messages. This react native provides a very convenient input masked component for your project. Easy to use and with a handy feature.
This library not only makes the user experience easy but also provides developers with a wide variety of different contexts all in one. From phone input to zip code, this library provides it all for masked input.
React Number Format Input

Yet again, we have a package with an auto separator and mask. A simple and elegant feature to add to your text fields. These auto separators and prefix helps to automate the process. Not only does this increase the user experience but also makes the user engaged. This is a great alternative with customization available for every text field.
This react js project provides a variety of different contexts of the custom separator and mask input. A great package to have in your webpage/application. A responsive project with great performance in formatting different values.
React Phone Number Input Example

Another simple and clean design for phone input using react js. This composition provides two categories one with a country option and the other without one. This is a straightforward package with a react textfield. In addition, the design provides a great feature for identifying countries’ numbers easily.
Furthermore, many other features are included in the package. From having no country in the textfield and validating the numbers. You can try out the demo from the below link. A very simple and easy-to-use textfield for any react project.
Floating Label Text Input

Static textinput fields are sometimes too boring. However, trying to give a little life can cause some troubles. So, this package provides a simple implementation of floating effects to textarea in react. A very small but great concept in terms of the user interface.
Talking about the design, this provides an IOS look-alike interface for text areas. In addition, the placeholder has a floating effect applied. That placeholder float when a user clicks onto the textfield. A very simple change but make a lot of difference. You can try out this textarea effect for your react project.
React Text Input Autosize

Another, great demo for having textarea in your react webpages. A very simple and clean format for representing the text fields on the web. The package implies an autosize feature to adjust the field according to the size of the inputs.
Resizeable and flexible text fields are a requirement. We don’t want all the written inputs to be hidden or flow outside the box. So, resizeable textarea like these will help you get relief from the problems in your react project. Through, this you are able to adjust different default sizes and styles for the text areas.
React Tags Input

A different implementation of textfield for application in a different e-commerce website. However, can have a place in other projects like an audiobook, educational library, and many more. This react example provides a very simple and straightforward idea for implementing tags in a textfield.
This react example has a basic implementation with a usable user interface. A very straightforward design with easy-to-use features. Easily add different tags to the react textfield without any complicated process.
React Outline Input Field Component

The next one on the list, we have a great react library filled with amazing textinput designs. Not only this library provides a great variety of text fields but also compatibility with different themes. The library aims to provide all possible input text area design with different cool effects. It contains a basic input textfield to appealing text fields all in one.
If you’re tired of searching for a library that includes a variety of designs and a great user interface for textfield. Then, this textinput has been designed just for your use in react. A great idea of having different options inside one. You can try out all different react textinput effects from the link below.
A Lightweight React Component Input Tags

This one might be a better alternative for input tags. A super customizable and lightweight package of textfield input tags. The react component provides a very useful component with a better interface compared to the previous one. In addition, the design is customizable.
Pretty decent execution of react in the project. Overall, provides a great user interface and different options for developers to work on. The design is responsive and super convenient for use. You should really give this textinput design a try on your react project.
Input Masking Component for React

We are here with another input mask component. Mask makes it convenient for users to handle the input. It provides a certain pattern for input. This makes it easy for users to input text. So, with this one, it provides 3 different textarea. altogether, this design is clean and responsive.
Furthermore, the design 3 different categories. One which provides an input mask to the phone number. Another implements the concept on a date. Lastly, for the credit card numbers. However, the credit card one includes 2 different formats. You can give this awesome project a try.
React Component for Form Inputs Validation

Forms are an important section of any webpage/application. We get the required data and information through them. However, a bad UI and improper implementation give a very bad impression. Some fields are important, however, if not coded properly users can submit without providing data of the field. Or, a user can type in error data.
So, having an error message or just a message to guide the user through for is necessary. Many researchers has concluded a proper message for error or guidance can have user go through all the contents of the form.
This design provides a completed textarea interface with proper execution. An appealing interface with an error message in required fields. This design makes it easy for us to have a form on our websites. In addition, you can customize the form easily.
React Verification Input

Lastly, we have a cool different concept for the input in react js. This textarea concept is having different boxes instead of one in react. The composition of the design is quite responsive. Especially, the soothing effect of the highlight moving from one to another.
The developer aims to remove the one textfield design with the muti box concept. This comes in handy while implementing textarea in different contexts like pin code and others. In addition, the developer provides easy configuration options and customization in terms of effects and styling.
So, these were all the react textarea designs and packages. The list has included different styling and new concepts for implementing awesome input fields for your react js project. You are free to use all the designs in your projects. We have tried out bets to help out by hand picking these designs of input components.
In conclusion, these react textinput designs provide a great idea of different styling and effect for your projects. The developers have provided us with some really cool projects. I would like to thank all the developers. Lastly, the react textfield input components are really useful. So, consider having some cool designs on them.