When jQuery library appeared in 2006 for the first time, barely anyone had thought that it would be super popular in the future. As of now, jQuery is internet’s most trendy JavaScript library. In fact, the number of free jQuery plugins coded for are in huge number. However, it is not a hidden fact that jQuery stands out among all the libraries out there as it has been adopted by the huge community of web designers.
UI can be developed and designed efficiently and quickly with the assistance of jQuery. The core structure blocks permits you to prototype swiftly with which you can build form, maps, slider, gallery, CSS animation, effects, and so on. The user interface provided by the jQuery library is exclusive and requires minimum amount of code.
Best Free jQuery Plugins
There are a lot of freely available jQuery plugins which consists of almost all the functions that you can ever think of. Since, all the plugins might appear similar to you in the first look, we have brought you the 20 best free jQuery Plugins. Have a quick look at the listed jQuery plugins to find exactly what you are looking for.
Useful Tools for Web Designers
Best Material Design Frameworks
AngularJS Tools for Developers
JavaScript Animation Libraries
Material Design Color Palette Generating Tools
SVGMagic – jQuery SVG Fallback

Face Detection jQuery Plugin

Round Slider

jInvertScroll – Vertical Scroll Horizontal Move with Parallax

Slinky – Responsive Mobile Like Menu

Twenty Twenty Plugin

Gif Player – Play and Stop Animated GIFs

Material Design Hierarchical Display


Tabslet – jQuery Plugin For Tabs

NanoGALLERY2 – Beautiful, Modern and Photo Galleries


Grid Scrolling

Rocket Flicker

Animsition – CSS ANIMATED

Brick Work – Create Dynamic Layouts

ScrollME – Simple Scrolling Effects

ScotchPanels – Off Canvas Menus

Focuspoint – Responsive Cropping

Fluidbox – Beautiful Lightbox Plugin

The above mentioned plugins is your ultimate solution for minute functionalities. All you have to do is use plugins and insert a behavior. Yes, it’s that quick. It will save much of your time and effort collectively. We hope you have already chosen one among our presented list of 20 best free jQuery Plugins. Use it and thank us later!