A water fountain is one of the most common component for attraction in physical infrastructure. This is because there are some amazing effects that can be achieved using water. How about something similar for digital world of website and web application? I mean there’s so much we can do with css these days that getting amazing water effect like wave and ripple animation shouldn’t be a big concern isn’t it? This is a question I would like you to answer at the end yourself after going through the series of examples on water waves animation with css3 that we have brought here.
Websites are going through so much improvement these days that they take you by storm. A dull website may not even stand a chance in this scenario. So designers have been shifting their focus towards animation. Here’ the basic tutorial on animation with water to get started with. These are all the results from CSS and javascript so a prior basic knowledge should be good enough to get things started. And talking about the results its simply going to be elegant.
Collection of 14 Awesome CSS Water Effect Examples Code Snippet
The intended target audience for this article today remains anyone with interest to learn on animation. Here we have collection of simple yet beautiful animation effects with water involvement. So get your swimming costumes ready because we are going to get wet with some of the awesome water effect examples. Also don’t worry since like in every other article we are offering demo and code that’s free to implement on your site.
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Here’ 14+ css water effect examples for absolutely stunning graphical effects within so less javascript code.
1. Drip Drop Animation (No JS)
This example of css water effect is directly derived from a leaking roof with a floor already filled with water. With just css a drop of water falls periodically with ripple effect on the surface.

The implementation goes well as design for a screen saver. Alternatively, if there’s anything to do with water for your website design then this could be one of the component. Maybe you’re designing a website for roof leak solution then with this layout it highlights on problem along solution being offered.
2. Water Droplets on Window
Its the beautiful use of CSS effect to see through a window filled with water droplets. Author was aware that visibility surely gets affected under this scenario. Therefore its a dynamic layout that we are getting here. The effect involves changing the opacity level of the water droplet layer periodically. It results the change in focus between water droplet and background that follows.

The initial implementation of course involves design of a cool screen saver. However, it can also be used as a unique loading layout for designers looking for something new to try on. Either way its a beautiful css water effect that we’re getting.
3. Filling Water Animation with HTML and CSS
The gradual rise of the water level on hover is an impression of another loading effect. Alternatively the css3 animation of water waves may be used as a way to reveal hidden things as it progresses. A serious implementation involves weather apps and widgets or even a news alert on flood notification.

Its a pure css water animation effect with no javascript involvement. Its not just the rise in water level vertically but also change in state at the top level. Therefore, its an almost real life simulation of rising water surface. With source code available from link below how about adding some water spill effects?
4. Pure CSS Random Rain SVG + CSS
Its pretty confusing in the beginning on whether its rainfall or asteroids falling in the space. Either way its a creative use of CSS to get a random set of dynamic components periodically. However its not the pure CSS because necessary logic for generating the components comes from SVG.

Most of the examples that we have here has implementation directly on weather application and this is no exception. Its a common layout to notify users on rain which is an alternative to cloud icon. So if you were stuck on graphics for your mobile or web weather application here’s the code to improve the user interface and in turn user experience.
5. HTML CSS Water Animation
Moving on to the next water wave animation effect with CSS its somewhat like a google earth icon. Two layers with dark blue on the front and light blue on the back make it up for the water waves. I am not sure to whether make it up as a cropped version of ocean waves or a decorative crystal ball. Either way its a way to indicate information on beach, ocean, river etc. as a part of website design.

If I have to give an example of its implementation, I would suggest the web designers and developers working on design of riverside resorts website to include this component. Maybe as a indication of its okay for rafting so that its a growth in business easily. Website design and application is all about making things easy and inclusion of informative layout just falls under that category.
6. Text Water Animation Using Only HTML & CSS
Its not exactly a water animation but clever use of css to obtain transparent text effect. This effect involves manipulation of multiple layers. Firstly its the background selection for your website. Then comes the drilling to get text layout through the background. Its the text layout that acts as window to view animation going around far back.

For a web designer the example that we have here serves as inspiration to get an amazing landing page design. The water flow effect at the back is just a sample. For website designs of tourism and related fields, they may even go for this sample layout. However, you can always replace the background with something that actually represents your website.
7. Waves Water CSS and HTML
The animated css water wave effect looks like some trending photo frame on a social media site. So designers would you fancy implementing this photo frame like layout as a marketing approach from your website?

The technologies used to achieve this effect are CSS and SVG. As we said it gives the vibes of a photo frame and its one also of the popular layout of traditional plays. I see this as one of the popular profile picture frame that’s going to come in trend from some riverside resort as a marketing campaign.
8. CSS Text Filling with Water
The implementation is clear from the image itself. Its an alternative loading animation with the text filling with water as the loading proceeds. The effect is in either direction from top to bottom and vice versa to select the preferred effect.

Its not an entirely new concept. However for designers seeking for cool loading effect while the user waits, its an layout to keep them occupied. We have an entire article dedicated of loader and progress bar with react if you would like to know more.
9. Animated Water and Fish CSS3
Its funny what we are able to achieve with css these days and its another water animation here. It comes in the form of room aquarium design with a moving fish. Its a cartoon animated layout that suits for any kid related game or normal application.

Having said that it looks suitable for some kid gaming application, I think even I had downloaded few before. I think it was taking care of pet fish with lot of menu options to feed it, supply oxygen and actions in response to that. If you were thinking to develop something similar then the code is open to use from link below.
10. Cup Filling with Water CSS Animation
Its an alternation to number of water wave animation effect with css examples that we have seen by now. It involves the use of css to get water waves that appears inside of the cup. I said it appears inside of fill because the effect is not like a normal water filling. Its rather like a window to show wave effects that is going on behind which is visible only through it.

With the current layout I would say it would still make a decent loading component. The inclusion of cup window also indicates the possible implementation on a food and drinks related application or sites. Personally I feel slight alternation on the current water wave animation effect with css would directly take the component to be implemented as layout after food order action.
11. CSS Only: Water Droplet/Ripples
Its a pool in the moon. Sadly it seems to be scarcity of water resources around there with source releasing only a drop of water. The falling of the water drop also suggests that it might be simulation of things related to space. Besides that the effect is a simple water ripple animation with css.

The code seems to make use of three html divisions in the form of water drop, water in pool and the pool itself to achieve this effect. For further detail on implementation, demo and code, its available from the link below.
12. Underwater Using Pug & SCSS
With the following tutorial on designing a underwater effect, it can be a start in the field of animation world for designers. Its a layout very similar to cartoons that was popular before animation really accelerated its way. This particular animation involves a underwater layout with bubbles poping up and fish swimming by.

Again its very similar to a number of simple mobile games. Addition of a hook component and with a little bit of coding gives a fishing application in the same layout. Moreover there’s plenty to learn from this tutorial if you’re looking for practicing animation.
13. Underwater CSS and JavaScript Animation
There’s plenty to talk about this water animation effect which comes form css and javascript. The other examples may just seem as a top layout of this one. Its an entire new kind of web design that makes the visitor dive into for more.

Talking about the animation its the water waves animation with css3 that we see in the beginning. A boat floats to the water surface to match the real world effect. As we scroll below there are multiple effects to support the layout of underwater. Fish swimming across, deep water divers and even a hidden treasure at the bottom. There’s just one thing confusing me. That’s whether its an example of unique website design for a deep diving services or a underwater mobile game. Maybe slight alternation on the code below and hence you can take it to any direction you like.
14. Pure CSS Water Drop
If you’re web project even remotely has something to do with water then I encourage you to go through the source code and implement right away. Its because along with beautiful animation effect it directly relates to the purpose as well. Designers look for a number of creative effects to relate the vision and website design. Here we have a ready made layout for business and organization related to water. It may be filter manufacturing company or an NGO solving the problem of drinking water.

Briefly talking about the css effect its a big drop of water that creates a ripple effect as it touches the surface. However, it doesn’t mix into the surface and shows up the designer’s creativity. Creativity comes in the form of transformation into icon from the water drop. Its a beautiful initial layout to consider for designers.
15. Water Ripple Effect – JQuery Ripple (CSS & JavaScript)
It looks like an amazing example of photography. However, css and javascript have much more idea in mind to impress users with cool water ripple effect. There are two different animation on water waves with css3 to talk about. The first one is an image of flowers during raining season. Its beautiful image that wouldn’t mind using as a background. However there’s much more to that. Its an animated ripple effect on the image at random position. Being a static picture the effect still gives the impression of water hitting the wet surface making it a realistic screensaver component.

Taking about the second example, it follows the mouse hover from users. That is as you hover through the surface the water waves animation follows with magic from css3 and javascript. Its a playful component for the users that responds as interactive feature. As you know the interactive feature is something that can enhance the user experience, being a designer would obviously consider implementation which is open for use.
Most of the css examples on water wave effect serves as a individual component. However, we also saw some implementation as an entire website template. As an individual component the scope can be seen in weather and some cool gaming applications. Also, the website templates is just few step away from implementation for a number of water related activities. Nevertheless, those were some of the amazing water waves animation that you can achieve with css3 and javascript.
Les’s us know what you think of this article. Any feedback or suggestion are welcomed open heartedly.