7 Best Free HTML5 Video Player

7 Best Free HTML5 Video Player

As we know that, HTML5 is the fifth and the latest version of HTML. HTML is a markup language that we use to design a websites. We can also use HTML5 to make an application that can run in any platform or also called cross platform supportive. HTML5 has made possible...
Ultimate CSS Gradient Code Generators

Ultimate CSS Gradient Code Generators

Since the very time of human existence, colors have always been and component to play with human minds. As the matter of fact you could imagine how worst it sounds, if everything around would just turn to be black and white which is because even for designers, color...
12+ Cool Pure CSS Image Slider

12+ Cool Pure CSS Image Slider

In a web terminology, Image slider is an appropriate way to display multiple images, videos, or graphics on your website. Pure css image slider is an image slider made with only html and css, no javascript or jquery is used. This was made with the goal that it can be...
Full Screen Overlay Menu Navigation

Full Screen Overlay Menu Navigation

As we have been dealing with designed history, we could be familiar with the fact that menu navigation occupies only a corner. But for the small pages or one-page browsing site, making space for such a menu had been a problem. So lately, the concept of full screen...

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