Download buttons have been here for years. These buttons are an important factor when it comes to providing your services. Download button offers a user to access the image, videos or application. Different new UI designs for the download button have been developed using javascript and CSS. So, we have come up with a download button example built around JS.
Before, moving onto the download button design. Let’s talk a little bit about the download button. These buttons have been around from the very beginning. They offer easy access to files, images, videos and many more. The button indicates the user where to click. As a result of which the user gets access to the downloadable files.
Now, let’s move on to the design we have come up with in today’s article. These designs will benefit you in less development time and more user interaction. Therefore, with the use of this javascript button designs your users will download the file with more ease.
Collection of JavaScript Download Button Design Example with Source Code
Here, we have a collection of javascript designs. We offer a variety of different articles related to web development. Today, we will discuss these 20+ javascript button designs. All the designs are open-source and easily accessible.
- JavaScript Notification Design
- 28+ JavaScript Login Form Design
- JavaScript Loader Design Code
- JavaScript Card Design
So, without any further delay, we shall move on to the button designs.
Javascript Download Button Cloud Animation

The first download button design we have to offer is by Jon Kantner. The design has a vast animation. The button offers an astonishing look and appealing animation. Besides, the design suits various web designs. The button will offer great engagement for the users. The design has focused on a cloud design pattern.
The animations in this download button example are really soothing. The button offers a clean effect. To illustrate, when clicked, the download cloud button shifts into water droplets. Not only that the water droplets circle around and fall down creating a water flow. The water flow indicates the download procedure.
The designer has really utilised the environmental factor of the cloud in this design. Not only the design offers a suitable download button but also shows the water cycle. The concept applied to the design is really fascinating.
JS Download Buttons Loading Animation

Here, you have a number of different coloured and size download buttons. The buttons are straightforward. The button directly indicates a download file, image or video. The js download button design by Aaron Iker offers a variety of options. Especially, covering options for compact design and night modes.
Moreover, the download button designs offer identical js animation. However, the big buttons also showcase the current state of the download process. The big buttons offer a text format on the side to represent the state. While the small download button only offers the sliding animation.
The designer of the button has been well thought of for different platforms and web designs. In order to fit in different web design conditions, the download icons have been made contrasting.
JavaScript Download Button Example

The download buttons are getting more engaging interactive. Thus, it allows developers like us to just utilise these codes. The button has a glowy and attractive finish. So, users won’t find it difficult to identify the button. In addition, the button offers a tempting bounce animation. The download button developed in js offers a stunning animation.
For usage, the js button can be used in a variety of things from file to image download. The appealing finish of the design will not let you down in terms of a great UI.
Moving further to the download button design example. On click, the buttons shoot a ball from one end to another. At the same time, a bar will start to slide from left to right. In the end, a pleasing complete design appears.
JS Animated Download Button

Yet, another cool button design. The design has really a great finish. The button and icons are covered with an appealing colour and font. In addition, the js download button also offers an open option for the file, image downloaded.
In the meantime, various animation effects have been applied to the button. The effects make the button more appealing. A rollover effect combined with water and bounce effect makes the design appreciable. Although multiple effects are applied to the js download button, it still looks uncluttered.
Indeed, the button has a fascinating look. Now, let’s talk about the effects. When clicked, the arrow icons roll onto the other side forming a pause button. The club circles start to fill up. in the end, an open button pops out for the user to easily access the downloaded file, image or videos.
Simple Download File Button Progress

Designing a web page with download icons for files? Then, this download icon might just be the best alternative. Yet, another amazing design by Aaron Iker. The design has a neat finish to it. The button has been designed with a straightforward goal. The real cool part of this button lies in the animation part.
The button offers an appealing look as the User Interface. In addition, the js button effects on the download design are luxuriant. Talking about the download button, the example code when clicked start a download counter. At the same time, the button floats and a green bar also appears indicating the download per cent.
Even though, I have explained a bit about how the button works. You should try out the preview of the following code through the below link.
3D Download Butto Meter Progress Icon

If your looking for a simple download button this design might just be for you. The button delivers an elegant and undeniable design pattern. The button really serves the purpose of indicating and grabbing the attention of the users. The download button design as a plain look with simple js effects applied.
The button offers 3 different effects on the design. The hover effect, moving icon effect and button flip effect. Moreover, the javascript button design is suitable in use for indicating file download for games and videos.
Let’s discuss a little more about what the button conveys. Firstly, the buttons consist of moving down-facing arrows. In addition, a hover effect with glowing colour has been applied. When clicked, the button flips over to display the download bar.
Material Download Button Design

The design by CODEARMADA has a totally different concept for displaying the download counter. The download button has a down-facing arrow for indicating the button. While, the design looks a bit small, but it still covers the whole screen through animation.
These designs can be utilised with the effect minimized. Although, the design is small but very useful. The material button offers a colourful look. So, if you are designing a web page with creative design, this might be the right choice.
Moving further to the download button offers a colour spread and hover effect. On hover, the button makes an illusion of being lift up. While, when clicked, a white circle expands and minimizes as the counter increases. In addition, the background colour changes according to the download phase.
Awesome Jelly Download Icon

Every time a design with extraordinary effects and cool CSS design might not be optimal. We have to take into consideration, which category the webpage falls under. Professional or companies websites don’t really want really creative animation. These prefer a simple yet clean and professional look in a design.
No need to worry, this js download example has it all. The button is compact, simple and offers a neat animation. This button can be used in professional pages as it takes of small space. In addition, offers a straightforward animation.
Let’s briefly discuss the design. A down-facing arrow is placed inside a circle. When hovered over, the button changes its colour. Whereas, on click, a blue line fills around the circle and the acts like a jelly on completion.
Download Button with Jjumping Ball

Trying to get a bouncing effect applied on the buttons? This will surely please you with its animation. The look of the button feels like it will suit a game file download page. Or a technology-related file download web page. Although, the design can adjust in other web page categories also.
Furthermore, about the design, the js effects are not exaggerating, and the download button also serves great in terms of file or any download. When clicked, the border combines into a line and a download counter appears below it. At the same time, the ball starts bouncing on top of the line.
CSS3 + JS Material Download Button

The design is getting compact but at the same time creative. Looking at the button, it might seem like a normal download button. However, the js effect applied to the download button is just magnificent. This kind of button design provides a user with a great user experience.
Let’s dive a little deep into the download button. The js applied download button can a variety of use as mentioned from file download to images. Talkin about the animation, on click, the arrow shifts into a pause sign. In addition, a blue border starts to indicate the download state.
The design has a very responsive download button. The transitions from a download icon to completion are satisfying. And, the compact design makes it great for use in a different areas. A simple adjustment in the size and you’re good to go.
Button Click Animation Example

Moving onto the next design. This download button might give you nostalgia. However, the animation gives life to this download button. The download buttons are always appreciable when it takes only a certain size from your screen. Small and functional download designs are always what we need.
So, let’s briefly discuss how this button performs. The design is simple and plain. However, the texture applied inside the button is really appreciable. It makes the button feel more engaging.
Now, let’s move on to the javascript effect on the download button when a user clicks to access a file. On click, the button will immediately notify you about the download through the counter. In the meantime, the borders start to fill out with a blue colour indicating a simple download bar.
Bounce Download Button Code Snippet

Well, we are now quite a lot familiar with download buttons. Different designs for download buttons are created in order to match the action it will perform. As we know, small files like images get download infraction of a millisecond. So, it’s just not feasible for users to address the download counters.
Thus, the design has come up with a perfect js download button for images or any small-sized files. This download button typically has replaced the download counter with a waiting test. However, the js effect is just joyful and engaging.
Moving towards the button, the button offers a to-the-point look. On click, awaiting text slides up pushing the download text. At the same time, the arrow starts to push the line below it. In the end, a checkmark and open file text fade inside of it.
Download Rebound Dodgy Radial Loader

Buttons with soft textures are always kind of attractive. Even in real life, we tend to get attracted when we see these button design. People get tempted to interact with these buttons. So, James Nowland has come up with a beautiful interactive download button design. The button design makes it feel like we are touching it.
With a little javascript, the download button is made suitable for downloading music files. However, the design can still be in other categories. The clean look of the design made it to be listed in the button design list.
Now, let’s briefly talk about what the design offers. Box shadow effect has been applied to create a bouncing illusion. On click, thick border circles around the border of the button. The design is simple and mainly coded in CSS.
Cool Website File Download Example

A different look and functionality for a download button among this list. This design by Alex Morris offers a dropdown menu inside of a download icon. Many users ofter forget important fill-ups necessary before downloading a file. Therefore, this design offers the menu inside of the download button.
The design in a way also saves a lot of space on the webpage. The javascript download button makes it easy for users to download any file without having to go back and fill up again. The concept applied is simple but implemented by very few designers.
Furthermore, talking about the download button, it has a classic look. When clicked pop opens a window with different options available.
Downloading Button Animation

Basic and simple designs are still appreciable. They get the work done without the need for multiple effects. In addition, these designs are also improving the look of our web pages. A simple button helps to maintain an uncluttered and user-friendly environment. The download button size is really efficient to be used on different platforms.
Also, talking about the download button is a great example of simplicity. The download button has a different appeal to it. The transparent background with charming colour makes it really eye-catching. The js button can be used while indicating download for files like music, image or other small files
Furthermore, the design has a really aesthetic js effect. On click, a line starts filling the buttons slowly. The part where it fills the whole button is really gratifying. At the same time, each button the line covers changes its colour. In the end, a completion message fluidly fades inside the button.
Download Button SVG CSS JS

Yet again, a small-sized download button design. The design developed by Timothy Williams-Fowler has an elegant look to it. The design has been optimized into a small scale finish. Although small this can be a great alternative while displaying download notifications in web applications or web pages.
The download button has a really appealing look and animation. Once you look at it you can’t take your eye off until the download finishes. Moreover, this small download button fulfils all the necessary requirements of a regular download button. This javascript download button is suitable for being used as a download indicator for large file sizes.
Furthermore, the download button contains a download bar indicator and also a downloading representation. On click, the arrow line starts to drop inside the cloud in a loop. In addition, the border gets surrounded by a green colour.
Download Animation GSAP Code Snippet

Kasper De Bruyne has come up with an amazing animation for your download buttons. The animations really have great finally touches. The download animations offer a straightforward point of use. The animations can be applied to any button. On the other hand, this can be used as various different download button indicators from image to file, with its pleasing js animation.
Furthermore, let’s briefly know what the animation offers, the button quickly starts to get filled with purple liquid. Eventually filling up the entire circle. After which, a water drop effect creates the checkmark.
Animated Download Button Source Code

Looking for a refreshing download button animation? This javascript button might be what you’re looking for. The button offers a pleasant animation with a great design. The download button design is really delightful. These javascript buttons can have great use in indicating download of music file for instance.
Moving on to the design, it has great potential as it provides a great UI. The font and colours used are really appealing. In addition, the animation effects are more pleasing. When clicked, the vertical download bar appears. Eventually, when the bar fills up, a checkmark drops down.
Playing with Download Buttons

We are again back with a compact download button design. The design reminds me of the old download buttons. I might not be the only one who gets reminded of the adobe flash player era looking at this design. Moving on, the design offers a simple and functional download button. These javascript design buttons can be kept on the website with the option for large application file downloads.
Now, let’s move on to the animation effects. The design has a gratifying effect. When clicked, the download icon is interchanged by a rotating circle. In the end, the border-radius of the square icon is deducted to form a circle with a checkmark.
Downloading Button Click Animation

Now, let’s move on to another amazing example of a download button. The button design is really appreciable with a great colour selection. The button has a pleasant look and also functions flawlessly. It has an appealing look for a user’s eye.
The download button design is quite simple. However, the simple design provides great flexibility. This kind of design can have used in a variety of web pages. From a game file download to a small image file download option, this javascript button gets the job done.
Talking about the button design and effects, it starts off with a clean and transparent button. On click, the border of the button starts moving like a snake. When a download completes, the border stops moving and show a checkmark.
Download Btn’s For Ghostlab App Website

Here’s an exciting design for web developers aiming to build a platform for downloading applications. The button offers a multi-functionality. As similar to the above design which popped out a window. However, this design offers an option of 32bit/64bit or apple for different platforms. The js button in this design really suits the application downloading platform rather than for use of image download.
Talking about the design, when clicked the download button splits into two parts: apple and windows. In addition, a 32bit/64-bit button appears on top of the window. This button design really helps to manage space in our webpages. Also, provides a great user experience.
iOS Safari Style Download Btn

This design is the real definition of a compact button. The button has very little to offer in terms of effects. However, the button is functional and small-sized which allows it to be used on many different platforms. These button designs are flexible and utilised to indicate any download items.
Let’s briefly talk about the design, the design is simply an arrow inside a circle. It has a hover effect applied where the button turns pink. On click, a download bar drops down and the button turns pink. At last, the button bounce onto the bar indicating completion.
Hide An Unsupported OS Button

The final download button example is on the list. The design by Mike Foskett has focused on providing users with an easy experience. Instead of having both download buttons for android as well as apple. Only a particular button is displayed as the program detects the platform of the user.
Moving on to the design, the design is user-friendly. In the demo code, the developer has provided two buttons to show the demo of how the button design works. On click, in the fake android, only the google play button appears and vice versa.
These were all the download button designs. I hope, these download buttons examples helped you with your web designing. Download buttons are very important when you have a certain type of page. For example, an image gallery website built to provide quality photos without a js download button. Similarly, a properly designed javascript button helps users easily access the file without having to search for the download button.
At last, I would like to thank all the developers for providing us with the designs for free. The designs are really appealing. Also, these small design code helps you in maintaining a proper schedule for your project. So, for now, this was it we will be back with other amazing designs real soon.