We simply turn on our browser and enter the web site link to our desired web page, it simply opens the link to us, and we can perform our task. The one we read just before is not always the scenario. Meaning that, this may not always be the case. There are various websites, that takes time to load and we may not perform our task as faster as we assumed it to be. So, what does the user does while the page loads. Such loading time makes the user boring. So, here we use loading indicators or loaders. That is, let us discuss something about Material Design Animated Loading Indicators.
We already knew that why are the loaders used in the web pages. The purpose of using such loaders is not only to entertain the user by animations but also to make user aware of page loading.
Related: 12 Best jQuery Lazy Load Plugins
There may be case when user confuses on either the page is loading or the page is idle. In such cases, loading indicators helps the user to differentiate and to clear his confusions too. Basically, here we talk about the animated loading indicators that are amazing and that adds up a dynamic looks to the website too.
Related: CSS Loader Example Code Snippets
Here we have list of some commonly used loading indicators. So, Material Design Animated Loading Indicators are as follows.
Related: CSS Multiple Backgrounds Code Snippets
Single Element CSS Spinners
Loading Indicators Animated with CSS
Illuminati-Rainbow Loading
Animated FlipPreloader – SCSS
Play Fill Loader
Pure CSS Loaders
Header Loading Different Color
Colorful Bar Loader
Demo and Code
Her – OS1 Loading
Hollow Box Loading Animation
Loaders CSS
Spinners & Page Loaders Pure CSS
Loader – Jelly Box
Gooey Loader
Bounce Delay Loader
Loader Loading
Beaulti Circle Load CSS3
Hence, from this discussion, we came to know about the Material Design Animated Loading Indicators. We already saw the list of such loading indicators. They all are same in nature and provides us the same service but they differs in design and how they are presented to the users. We can find such loading indicators in internet for free and we can even edit them with new color, shape or other parameters.
Similar loading indicators are easier to use and we can even understand their codes easily. We must have knowledge of some basic codes of HTML, CSS etc. Therefore, in this way we can discuss about the Material Design Animated Loading Indicators in brief.