Beautiful Bootstrap Footer Templates

Beautiful Bootstrap Footer Templates

Bootstrap footer template is a simple footer created using that portion of the application is consequences of footer templates. Bootstrap is a framework that uses the most recent techniques to give glamorous topography. It gives beautiful bootstrap footer navbar for...
Best Android Ripple Effect Libraries

Best Android Ripple Effect Libraries

Have you ever felt bored of simple plain look of your phone? And had you ever felt like adding some effects and animations to your android for making them interesting? The best android ripple effect libraries are what you are actually looking for. Ripple effect as...
Creative CSS3 Animation Examples

Creative CSS3 Animation Examples

CSS3 is the latest version of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS is a style sheet language for styling and presenting your markup language such as HTML. CSS3 stands above its predecessors in every way. It provides new features and modules like selectors, box model,...
12 Free jQuery DropDown Menus

12 Free jQuery DropDown Menus

Adding new items to you website might not be a difficult task form you. However, the users might find it confusing to locate their desired thing in your webpage. Rather than writing lengthy codes to arrange items in your website, you can make the use of a planner or...
12 Useful Tools for Web Designers

12 Useful Tools for Web Designers

Whether you are a web designer working in an agency, as a freelancer or entrepreneur, you require a number of useful tools for web designers to accomplish your task. The tools used in web designs keep on changing with the advancement of technology and its standards....

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