Everyone in this busy world needs their work to be done in better and fastest way. Being a programmer Python provides you the best frameworks which not only makes your coding faster but also provides you the varieties of functionalities which helps you in developing better application. Frameworks are comparatively easy and better option than core.
A GUI Framework is functional toolkit for programming language which is specially designed for reusability of the codes required in developing and deploying the user interface application. Frameworks for python may include some pre-defined classes and functions. It provides the foundation for developing the program for specific platform.
Top 10 Python GUI Frameworks for 2022
GUI Frameworks for can be easily available and most of them are free and open source. But all of them cannot meet you expectation. Here are list of the top 10 python GUI Frameworks for 2022 which helps you in developing GUI based application.
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Kivy is open source GUI framework for python. It is free library as well as business friendly. Kivy is cross platform and is supported on most platform like windows, android, Linux and so on. This toolkit of this framework contains more than 20 highly extensible widgets. Moreover it is built over OpenGL ES 2.

Pyforms is one of the best cross-platform frameworks for development of GUI application. It is supported on both 2.7.x and 3.x series of python. This framework helps you in code reusability and designing software with minimum effort.

PyQt works with the combination of both python and Qt. Qt is C++ cross-platform application frame work which contains the more feature than simple GUI development. You can have all the feature of the Qt and can be easily be used with python.

WxPython provides highly functional GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It is cross-platfrom framework which is supported by different operating system like Windows, Mac, Linux etc. It is open source and can be used for free.

PyGUI is cross-platform framework which is also compatible with the latest version of the python. The API for PyGUI is comparatively simple, small and light weight. API of PyGUI are documented in terms of python which makes the programmer to easily include the library.

Tkinter is simply the bundle of Python and Tk GUI toolkit. It is set of wrapper which implements the widgets of Tk as Python classes. It is open source and available on most of UNIX as well as Windows system. Tkinter is one the fast and easiest way to create a GUI based application.
Libavg is Pythons GUI framework which is famous for creating modern touch UIs. It also supports major touch drivers like Linux XInput, Windows touch etc. Libavg is open source and licensed under the LGPL. It supports all display element required for graphical intensive application like image, camera output, text, video and so on. Libavg is cross-platform framework which runs Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.

PySide is one of Pythons GUI framework which was released on 2009 under the LGPL. It was released by the Nokia. It is cross-platform framework and supports on Linux, Mac OS x, Windows and Maemo. Android is being added. Pyside is the bundle of Qt which is cross-platform GUI toolkit and Python. This can be best alternative to the Tkinter framework.

Wax is GUI toolkit for creating the graphical user interface application. It is listed on the top of the wxPython. The main motive of Wax is to provide the complete feature and quick hacks compared to WxPytho. The Wax is also comparatively easier than that of WxPython. Wax is user-friendly and makes the programmer more “Pythonic”.

PySimpleGUI is GUI framework for python which works only on Python3. It is based on the tkinter. PySimpleGUI contains single file of python which makes it easy for installing and importing. It is simple, easy to code and use and can highly be customized. It is cross-platform framework and also runs on Raspberry Pi.
In conclusion, Framework is so not much necessary. It is just a tool for helping you in developing in application. Framework provides you lots feature like it makes the programming fast and better. Frameworks are specially designed for reusability of the code in programming language.