There’s not even a point to discuss if UI is important. Ofcourse it is because if it wasn’t you probably wouldn’t land up to this article. Instead you might have been enjoying somewhere else and I would be probably on my way home. However, its not the case so here we are to discuss on a number of examples of react material UI frameworks and design components we get along that. With reactjs you get material for faster and easier development of UI layout. You will be hearing this alot in next few minutes so get used to it from now.
Every developers and designers go through a series of brain storming sessions to come up with best layout and features. Both of these go hand to hand together so yeah both team may be in same session on multiple occasions. Either way the UI components show strike in the mind of users at earliest as possible. Key to those are having user friendly attributes, easy navigation options and interface directly reflecting to the functionality. We will help you get these UI sets by exploring some of the popular frameworks and libraries that we have around.
7 Best Material Design UI Components/Libraries and Frameworks For React
Picking UI components is not a joke. The first impression of your site and application depends on it. While you must be in confusion before these examples on material UI components with reactjs are here to help. Stick with us and we will show where to find all UI components for amazing layout.
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Here we present you a number of examples on material UI components. It will help you get started with picking great UI components for your site.
1. Material-UI
If you go to google or simply search for UI components for website then you’ll find this result with a couple of search results. This is because it deals with a number UI elements along with examples to use those material. There are plenty of resources that you can find dedicated to give a great look for your web site and web application.

In no time you can get the reactjs material UI included in your application. This because the react design material UI works in isolation not relying on any global css style sheets. Therefore making it a self supporting tool. On top of that it injects only the style necessary for displaying for a good rendering as well as overall performance.
After knowing that there are a number of react components available for grab I doubt if you have already made a choice among material UI frameworks. I will still suggest you to go through all before making suggestion because best for all may not be ideal for you. However, there’s a great chance that you may fall under a majority.
So to get started with these components of material UI you just need to import DOM and components like button. Simply provide the class type and some styling you prefer inside a function and that’s it you’re all good to go with design components from react material UI.
2. Onsen UI
Are you looking for UI components solution while targeting primarily mobile users? Not just the layout for a custom application but an entire layout for the mobile device from camera loading effect to setting menu. This is the right spot if you were searching for similar design material of UI components on react or other frameworks.

I am not even sure how can I describe every design resources from this tool. Its imply vast and the answer to my question is no, I won’t be able to explain all. However, what I can do is summarize few things that may lead you to looking into more from the link provided.
One reason why you should consider working with Onsen UI is that it creates magic in your application. Its simply the fastest way to develop react mobile web apps among a number of UI material frameworks. Try it with few other tools and then compare with this one. You’ll see the result yourself. Plus, no setup time, get up and start working with your application. You don’t even have to try so hard with this tool. Automatic styling with native look and feeling is what you may need on a hurry.
With so many features you may ask so this components can make my application slow? The answer is no because performance is something that was always in mind when developing the tool. Not only for flagship phones but the team has tested and optimized the performance on a range of devices. So don’t worry about performance just think about learning this tool. Oh, wait. I forgot that you don’t even need to think that because despite being a powerful tools its super easy to learn.
You can check the samples from link below if you want to see for yourself. But I am pretty sure you’ll end up agreeing with me.
3. React Materialize
By now we have covered articles on various topics including dropdown menu, responsive carousel components, react collapse components and more. If you’re stuck on any specific UI components such as these then I request you to go through previous articles. However, if you want a complete overview on a number of UI material components then we have got exactly same frameworks for you with this reactjs tool being one of them.

I will start with naming few examples that you’ll find in this material UI components. For css styling and content management you have option to choose from grid view to a table view. Interactive user interface is possible with cool buttons and icon sets. Don’t worry if you feel you’re users will be lost with so much of rich UI components. Its because there’s also breadcrumb options available for easy navigation tracking.
You can create an entirely interactive website with amazing design and content delivery. While you might have already thought of a great website from features just discussed. The framework offers more on top of that. With carousel sliders you can grab attention right from the beginning. More cool tools and examples from link below.
4. React Toolbox
Power of CSS modules and Google Material’s material design specification come together in the form of this set of react components. However, you still have the authority to choose any other module bundler as per your preference. Either way this collection of react material UI components harmoniously integrates with your webpack workflow.

While we just discussed that you are free to use your own module, there’s something you need to know before doing so. Since the react toolbox uses CSS modules by default to import stylesheets written using PostCSS & postcss-present-env features, your module bundler should be able to acquire these and then you’re good to go. Moreover, if you can get familiar with react-css-theme it will be easier to customize components via themes.
If you’re the type of person who doesn’t stick around rules of other and want to create one for you, then by default its not something you can do here. It is because it doesn’t allow to change default configuration so you need an additional setup for configuration of the project.
Using the components from this library is fairly similar to any of the other examples that we have seen. So, if you have an experience before working with UI components from any popular material library or frameworks then getting a start won’t be an issue for this one.
You can go through the documentation for more detail or go through live tour of demo from the link below. Best few minutes that you will ever spend for learning reactjs UI components.
5. Essential – Material Design Framework
Essence is a CSS framework implementing the guidelines from Google Material Design Specification. While using Facebook’s reactjs library, it can be used to easily design super fast and great looking material UI components. Essence consists of a number of JSX components and a full set of icons to make itself a nice looking material UI framework.

So I have just mentioned great looking UI components but what type of UI might be a question in your head. It maybe a music player design, calculator layout, simple calendar, navigation options, charts and bars, content management site, google map components and thousands of more. Its not a question of what UI material components you can get from this reactjs tool but what you would like to get done. This is because the offerings form here will always be greater than your needs.
To see what you can build with essence and ho you can do so check the examples from link below. It will be a great help for you to get a start.
6. React-MD
React-MD is a set of react components built with sass. It is used for implementing Google’s Material Design. In other words, the project sets the target to make fully accessible material design styled website using React components and Sass. However, it is advised that you should have prior experience using React and styling with Sass / CSS along with immutable data structure in order to use this library.

Still here? That means you have certainly considered yourself as a qualified candidate to implement this library. So let’s start with basic customization tool that is color selection. You can get a different color picker component to your easiness but you won’t have to here. This is because of the range of colors available at your disposal. An easy to remember color suffix in react comes to great use as you keep on creating amazing UI components with available design material.
Talking more about the features, the library allows search operation using two built in filters or even third party library just like a autocomplete component. However displaying only the result may be only partial fulfillment of your needs. How spoiled we have become with smartness of the applications. So, it will only do justice if the this layout also offers something similar. Therefore, just a press on tab or tapping on dropdown list is here to serve you on that.
Autocomplete is just the first name on the list. Further you get interactive notification buttons in the form of badges and avatar. Not exactly A-Z of material UI examples containing all components but the library surely contains A-T components with last range of them being Tabs, Text Fields, Toolbars and Tooltips. All of these for simple navigation option along with some awesome effects while doing so.
7. Polythene
Polythene is a material design component for Mithril and React. It serves as a general purpose component library comprising of buttons, cards, dialog, drawer, icon, inputs and controls, list, menu, notification, spinner and many more. The material design components that you get along react UI library is compatible with all modern and popular browsers. Therefore, you don’t have to worry if after all hard works of getting and putting up an amazing layout doesn’t even open up.

This is the last example on the list and you may wonder what makes it any different or attractive for your project. Well for that let me highlight on some of its features. First and foremost the reactjs library allows you to create dynamic and interactive UI material with utmost easiness. They just don’t get start out randomly. As a matter of fact it closely follows the material design specification. Moreover, versatile theme option promotes the implementation of user specific layout. Whether your device is a desktop or touch screen enabled device, it shouldn’t be of any concern. This is because the UI components can interact using mouse, keyboard or screen touch.
Finally if you feel like getting a start and mastering the resources will be a hassle then you’re wrong. With extensive documentation, example code and demonstration of how the components will look like it has never been much easier than this. You can manipulate the code in your own platform. Also trying a bunch of things for the better understanding of the library.
There we go a number of examples on design material for UI components using react as well as other popular frameworks. UI can be tricky but it should be friendly with users in all scenario. Our article today was dedicated to help you achieve same. We hope after going through the examples you are now able to pick tools to design amazing UI for your project.