This is already third time within a week that I am going to talk about menu. After going through mobile menus, responsive navbar, sticky navigation header, circle menu with pure css and number of more, we are back with horizontal menu this time. Why again menu? because we don’t seem to get enough of it and neither do you with search on menu for every occasion going on and on. Therefore, we have brought slightly new topic covering a number of responsive menus specially horizontal menu bar for navigation with pure css. Horizontal navbar are specially for an efficient css website layout however few applications may prefer this over vertical one.
We have already told a million times that menu is an integral part of any website or application because they are guide for users within it. Not only from user experience point of view but for a better SEO score it has to be done with perfection. Having said that menu is so important, would you prefer going for a separate design for mobile, laptop with 14 inch screen, laptop with 15 inch screen, tablets and a thousand more options? Only if you’re insane to think in such way. You just need to check responsive css menus for dealing all those problems.
Pure CSS Horizontal Menus Navigation Examples with Source Code
Whether that be for an inspiration for your web layout or for practice purpose we got you covered on all with responsive css menus. Specially horizontal navigation menu in this case. If this one is not the one you’re looking for, make sure to check our other articles where you’ll definitely find the one for you. However, just few minutes of your time for this one will be add on to your designing knowledge base.
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Let’s dive into the a number of css menus that are responsive for varieties of devices your user may prefer to get in touch with your application or website.
1. Lavalamp CSS Menu
Lavalamp css menu is a horizontal navigation menu that offers different color for different component of the menu. What does that mean? It simply means that as you hover from one menu component to another the active indicator changes color. Like in below example we can see green background for home. As you hover to about tab the indicator slides from home while changing the color to red. Its a good example of simple effect with eye catching effects.

2. Icon Navigation
Don’t speak just for others to listen but to express. While we’re not talking about voice over menu here, we are definitely talking about icons for horizontal navigation menu with pure css. The layout we see here is a plain horizontal navbar yet a powerful composition of css not over complicating anything. Moreover, for selection indicator we have slightly uplifting looks along with shadow effect. This proves you don’t always have to play with colors for powerful delivery.

3. Skewed Menu
Let’s not underestimate colors right away since they are powerful tools for the designers. The following example of horizontal menu consist of pure css effect where you can’t decide whether text changed its color or became transparent. This is because as you hover the horizontal navbar which initially consists of white background and black font color, the css effect turns white background to black and black font to red. However, due to red background color it appears as if the text are hollow within navbar. So take this as pure css trick for menu whether be that vertical or horizontal for 2 in 1 effect.

4. Nav Menu Animation
Icon and menu label combination is a powerful navigation option for users. However, issue lies with how to include both. If you’re suffering from same dilemma then check out the following example. Within the horizontal menu we have 3 different options for navigation represented by css icon only. However as you hover to any one you can see the menu label appear for them. This is a great effect both in terms of visuals and user easiness.

5. Navigation Effects
If you’re in confusion of how can you get most out of simple menu then wait until you see multiple navigation effects from following link. Its not always about doing something extraordinary. Sometimes its about simple delivery for straight forward action. Such are these navigation effects where you as you hover you can see effects as underlined component along with filling style in a number of ways. See for yourself which one is the best for you.

6. CSS Menu
We are dealing with a number of simple navigation menu with powerful effects. So is the next horizontal menu that comes with another simple but unique css effect. As you hover each menu component you get a small underline with gradient color. While most of the css effect for horizontal navbar limits right here, there’s a small addition that adds a new dynamics. That you can see in the left top corner of the menu component.

7. Transparent Fading Navigation Bar
The following example of horizontal navigation menu is for those who don’t want their menu to look like some extra component attached on top of rest of the css layout. This is due to the good color combination to show transparent fading effect of the menu. Besides, horizontal border and slight increase in light on navigation helps for navigating.

8. Menu item hover images
Have an extra bit of patience with this animation effect because on first it may look like one of previously seen example but just wait till you see it. A rotating menu is something seen a number of times before. However what follows after that is the real effect here. While most of the menu may not give a preview of what to expect, this one surely is an exception. This is because the animation that follows is an image appearance to reflect on offering from that navigation option.

9. CSS3 Responsive menu effect
The effect for this horizontal menu is similar to the very first css navbar that we saw. However, this one for those looking for responsive css menus. I don’t think I need to explain much for this one. Simply speaking the menu goes well for any number of devices and screen size.

10. Responsive Navbar
Like to see more on responsive navbar css options? Say no more. The navbar that not only squeezes or expands as per screen size but completely changes its behavior. As you seen in the web browser you get a normal horizontal menu while checking the same from mobile device results in a toggle button that consists of menu in vertical alignment thanks to css. So one menu for all device is what you get from here.

11. Menu Hover Line Effect
Bored from simple line effect for your menu component? Why not give them some cool move with css such as following horizontal navigation menu. The effect is like a quick wave that we commonly observe while managing a messed bed sheet or while working out with ropes. Another simple inclusion with some eye catching effect to say the least.

12. Super Simple Horizontal Navbar
Simplest hover effect that you will ever see. Its always better to have something rather than nothing. So if you don’t have enough time to get animation and hover effects of some next level you can always get the work done from simple background color change. Additionally you can define varying font styles for something that stands out of box for a clear distinction.

13. Pure CSS3 Mega Horizontal Dropdown Menu With Animation
The horizontal menu bar that we have here is a combination of some of the best individual css menu and animation effects put together. This is because there’s not just one thing we can talk about. I am not sure whether should I talk about fast swift animation effect where icons and relevant labels appear from opposite direction on hover or dropdown menu for tracking entire navigation. On top of all the slider indicator is also a cool way to indicate present menu component selection.

14. CSS Menu Concept (Clip-path)
We all know hoe playful children are and we’re also aware of how innocent some children try to be when they are under observation. Same is the theme for this horizontal menu concept with some playful css components. The menu components are backed by some polygons that are busy in their own movement until we decide to focus on them. Its like as we hover to the menu component they come under attention position like armies. However, the theme is entirely built for some fun and playful websites for children or creative things.

15. Stylish Horizontal Menu Bar
Simple layout for more professional and business looks of the website. Some business don’t like to play around and get straight to the business. This comes under same example where there is no complicating colors and other stuffs just a plain header menu with navigation option to other parts. However, hover effect is still present to make sure users are aware where they are going.

16. Strikethrough Hover-Effect
In almost all of the examples on this as well as previous menu articles we have observed that in order to indicate current selection you must play with background or some distinct colors. However in this example we will show you alternative option to that.

Although previous technique works perfectly well they slightly distract the dynamics of layout. This maybe affordable in terms of what we get in return however for those not wanting any compromise can simply add a strike through effect. This means for the component you hover a horizontal line line crosses through it showing as if the text was cut due to some mistake.
17. Slide-Menu 2
The slide menu example is very similar to a tutorial process where we go through a sequence of steps for better understanding. The layout goes very well with light theme colors. The css styling and appearance for the horizontal navigation bar is fairly simple. We have a number of horizontal components some distance apart with a common underline. However, only the selected component are under bold font weight and rest of them remain faded.

While you would like your menu to be clearly visible for your users almost every time, I think the best implementation for this horizontal navigation bar is for as I said tutorial menu, css progess bar and menu combination layout etc.
18. Simple Menu Navigation
The simple navigation menu creates an effect that is similar to playing a piano. The combination of black and white background for menu component suggests so. While playing piano we see some keys lift up as our response on pressing respective one. Similarly, the hover effect includes expanding of selected menu component along with change in background to contribute for the effect.

19. Pure CSS Horizontal Menu
If you came up for looking some classic css tab styles horizontal menu for navigation then we have just the one for you. While sidebar and toggle menu are popular choice for navigation in application, some still prefer native tab style. The reason behind such menu selection is when you prefer giving navigation option all time to the user rather than focusing on saving space. However with just few top pixels being occupied by the menu, its not such a big compromise.

20. HTML5/CSS3 Horizontal Menu
Simple header menu for simple website with all functionalities for proper navigation along with dropdown sub child menu. This is all there to explain for this horizontal menu made out of html5 and css. Being simple its a matter of few minutes to get such style for your website offering a good user experience. So, if you’re deadline is approaching and still you haven’t thought on menu design here’s a life saver for you.

21. Pure CSS Menu
So, that’s all for today. We’re down to the last one on responsive menus using css. However, don’t feel sad because the last one is a bumber one offering a number of css horizontal navbar for navigation as per your will. With combination of css icon and label it already looks effective horizontal navigation bar option. Along with the support for dropdown, it seems as if we are in a mini css mart of horizontal navigation bar to choose the best one for us.

We have said it before and we are saying it again that this is not an end on menu examples. In one form or other we will bring more css menu components just like this article of horizontal navigation bar because we don’t just get enough of it. Having covered so many articles on menu components we are pretty sure we have assisted you in finding menu for you on numerous occasion. Don’t worry if what you were searching fro wasn’t in this article. Make sure to check a number of our articles where the exact resource that you are looking for might be waiting for you.