Its common to see testimonial section in modern website design. This is because website designing has gone beyond just implementing different components. Implementation of important components in a meaningful manner boosts the performance of your website and in turn your business. In this regards testimonial slider pay vital role serving the needs of why us section and positive reviews. So we got a collection of responsive css carousel slider from basic to breath taking effects as testimonial for your website. Little bit of pure css and some magic of javascript testimonial slider example is what you must be looking to encapsulate the client logo for your bootstrap project. So that’s what we are covering today.
I imagine you’re pretty aware what testimonial brings along in your website. Its a platform that will make great impression for the visitors from other visitors. You put a summarized effort of what users can expect from you, how that’s going to benefit and how you helped your other clients. Keeping everything aside its the words that sell. So, we can say that its a low budget advertising for your business and a powerful inclusion for the website design.
Collection of 15+ Awesome CSS Testimonial Slider Examples Code Snippet
So having talked about the theoretical definitions lest’s dive into the examples with source code. You can expect a range of pure css testimonial slider example along. Well there’s also javascript magic on the way. There are many ways to deliver but choosing the best one is the key. It should align with other website components and deliver contents smoothly. Remember you don’t always get second chance. So, to help you get idea on inspiration portraying of testimonials here’s what we got for you.
- React slider component examples
- 3D carousel slider code snippet
- Range slider with CSS and javascript
- Responsive bootstrap carousel slider
- CSS sliding menu examples
Here’s the list of 18 awesome css testimonial slider examples that you had been waiting for. Don’t forget to tell us at the end which responsive css carousel slider inspired you the most.
1. CSS3 Testimonials Slider
A css website design looks more attractive and professional with testimonial slider that includes user images. This is because people tend to remember more about image rather than text. Therefore, make sure to grab a picture with your valuable clients for testimonial. Besides that the following css testimonial slider also inspires for the use of different colors for different slides for amazing effects.

2. Bootstrap Testimonial Slider Example 1
So having known images are important bootstrap component of the testimonial slider here’s one for the animated version. That means that you can showcase the testimonials of all at once. Also, focus each one over the certain period. Moreover, with the auto play responsive css carousel slider it doesn’t depend on user action to navigate through the testimonial. As a web designer you accomplish beautiful layout which is self sufficient.

3. Testimonial Slider Pure CSS
A better user interface for better user experience involves taking consideration of every component. While for a testimonial slider it may be sliding effect that comes under major consideration check this cool navigation button as well. The following example of pure css testimonial slider includes the wave effects like that of water on click. Besides that navigation effect is a simple swapping effect. Its popular among a number of related website design.

4. Testimonial Pure CSS Slider
Inclusion of beautiful ribbon design and a relevant background is one of the trick to obtain amazing slider layout. Just see the example below for the tutorial. It also got source code along with it. Briefly describing the effect, it gets initial sense of importance from the ribbon design followed by user image in a circle and finally their words. And yes you can mention name and designation at the last. All these component render with a slide effect that is automatic.

5. Testimonial Carousel Design
Its a unique inclusion to the responsive carousel testimonial slider example for your next css bootstrap project. An alternative to auto playing and button navigation includes maintaining a hold on the component. You can do that by double click and then sliding for new component. Doing this gives the impression of lazy loading component as well. It is because the testimonial appears after a while of sliding. Additional animation effect also includes thinking icons to give the impression on the user’s thought. Source code for this almost real world testimonial layout is available from link below.

6. Responsive Testimonial Carousel
An alternative approach to beautiful testimonial approach is rating score. This also acts as summary of what user wants to say about your work. While beautiful combination of words is always going to be a great inclusion, a star rating helps for quick expression. A five star rating means fully satisfied while a one star staring means there’s plenty to improve. So you can start the improvement of testimonial slider layout with this offer. It includes client logo that is of auto play nature as well as gives preview and post view of other testimonial. This view follows a triangle pattern with central being current testimonial.

7. Testimonials Slider
It seems that the navigation button would offer side wise transition from one client logo to another but its not the slider you get for bootstrap project. Its more like a flipping effect with animation. This animation includes the zooming out the client logo or user while getting the new one to appear for your bootstrap slider. As said their words appear in flipping fashion. Its an auto playing css testimonial example along with some javascript. However, its got provision to show interactivity with navigation button on transition.

8. Bootstrap Testimonial Slider Example 2
This one is the example of pure css testimonial slider that you might be looking to include as footer section to your service content. This is because the testimonials are like review and they deserve the place right after service section. Its like describing why us from know personalities that are recommending your service. Besides its just a small portion that will do great deeds for your website. Inclusion of user image, title, message, designation and icons are all the components that you can ask for beautiful design within so much little space.

9. Bootstrap Testimonial Carousel Slider Example
Have you checkout our article for responsive css website design that deals with beautiful carousel sliders with react? I am bringing this up because testimonial and carousel slider are pretty much non distinguishable. Its just just the matter of aligning image and text to appropriate size. This allows the focus to be equally distributed. So, not just the example below but link give above gives a handful of tutorial for an amazing testimonial slider along with source code.

10. CSS Only Testimonial Automatic Slider
Its a very simple example of pure css testimonial slider. As a web designer you may include it on some review site. Its simple but not less of any impact on users. Therefore not just as a footer you can include this as a header so that its like a preview of what to come. I am saying this in reference of movie review website design where critics give a very short description like a title. Its enough to let users know about it without much complex components. Just simple text with automated transition effect speaks for long paragraph of reviews.

11. Responsive Testimonial Slider HTML CSS
Anything with quotation plays a vital role in depicting the information in testimonial. It helps to maintain the focus on the message. That’s exactly you’re getting with this testimonial design. Instead of using as a normal text its a different component like a watermark. Besides the smooth transition effect, its a unique layout for user image border. A pleasing transition effect with beautiful color selection is what you should be looking as testimonial slider for your bootstrap project.

12. Owl Carousel 2 Testimonial Slider
The following example of carousel slider for responsive testimonial comes with 3d effect. It comes in the form of shadow effect for the entire layout. Also, user information comes as a separate layout attached along. Therefore this example of bootstrap slider gives a focus of their own for the message and client logo. So overall we get an amazing layout that not only serves as testimonial but also can be used to offer other content management solution.

13 Clean Design Testimonials Slider
A web design doesn’t always means splashing colors here and there. As web designer you may wish to make most out of a simple design. Therefore with same consideration here’s an example of simple testimonial slider for your bootstrap website. Nothing’s fancy its just proper placement of user image, their identity and message. Moreover you can showcase more than one testimonial in your website. So if you were looking for multiple testimonials in a single web page then this is the simple layout to try.

14. Automated Testimonial Slider
Continuing with simple example of html css testimonial slider here’s an automated version. Its simple as it could be and efficient as well. Simple because its just jumbotron bootstrap class needed to get layout for this testimonial slider just lacking client logo. JavaScript is there to handle the automated slider effect. So its for website designers thinking they don’t have the sufficient time to work out on testimonial slider. Just look example below for quick implementation.

15. Slick Slider Animated Quote
The sticky testimonial slider offers a premium layout for your website. Being of sticky layout its like a separate component attached on top of another component. Along with this its the pagination information that you get along. Means users know how many testimonials are present and current testimonial count. Sliding effect is smooth and separate styling for quotation and user information helps to separate the contents. Not to forget client logo is an important part of the bootstrap slider so it comes as a top component.

16. Simple Testimonials Slider
Its simple yet one of the most commonly used layout for testimonial slider. Its like a id card layout with image on top followed by message and user information. With this css responsive carousel slider for website testimonial, designers don’t need to rely on footer for its inclusion. You can simply include this as a sidebar component. This makes sure that while users are looking through your service offerings they get reason at every instant for continuing with you.

17. Testimonial Slider
As a web designer if you are looking for a website design where you can make great initial impression then here’s a header testimonial slider. With this you can showcase in very short words about why you’re best in the business. This responsive carousel slider can also come up as an alternative to css image slider. Alternatively, you can use the mixture of both image and testimonial to give an efficient layout which is also amazing.

18. Simple Slick Testimonial Slider
With swipe action being so popular these days here one implementation for testimonial slider. This means that users of your site don’t have to have to go though navigation button if they want. Users get notified on support for touch swipe by related icon on hover. That is mouse pointer icon gets replaced by hand icon with arrow instructing to swipe. While other navigation button works perfectly fine, the new feature with javascript gives better user layout and interactivity. Therefore enhancing user experience.

That was it for the list of the inspirational testimonial layouts for the day. However, before signing out for today I would still like to point out few things to consider for testimonial section. For quick implementation and simple layout you may not require user image. However, if you’re getting one for your website, get in a high quality. Also giving the users ability to see testimonial according to the section develops the trust and can boost sale. Finally you may try dummy image and logo during prototype but make sure to include familiar faces and logo while implementation. This will serve as a gem for your business website design.