There’s not much new to say on calendar except for the fact that they help you to stay along the time. Although the basic functionality of calendar remains the same its about how efficiently it does the work for you. Mostly for planning stage at any level whether that be among higher authorities or low level detail works requires proper calendar layout. That may vary just slightly from one to another however the principle remains the same. This article is another one of the article that deals with css, html, javascript and bootstrap component for your application in the form of materialize calendar.
I just completed a team meeting on hangout before starting this article. The call was set as a reminder on my Google calendar. So, I just required to open the calendar to get things going for the day. Actually, I didn’t even have to open the calendar since I got the notification on the event few minutes ahead of the event. I also have layout on what actions I need to perform for the next week on the same calendar. It allows me to update my works, set reminders, notes and all goes along the time. This simple example should tell you about a glance of importance that calendar offers. There’s more to talk about in the following article.
Cool CSS Calendar App Examples Inspiration Design Snippet
So after going through some of the finest layout available for calendar app we thought of sharing that with you. Both appearance and features were key consideration while sorting out the examples that follows below. Its pretty accurate to say that with these calendar app examples you can get an inspiration design for your new application that will make life a whole lot easy.
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Without any further delay we present you the list of more than 20 css calendar examples as inspirational design for your bootstrap and other projects.
1. CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept
Its a colorful start to examples of CSS calendar with gradient color calendar component for your bootstrap project. The gradient colors grows darker as it proceeds along the week just like all of our excited towards the weekend. Its a very good alternative for anyone bored of plain calendar layout. The beautiful presentation of the calendar makes an attractive and fancy component for your website and application.

2. Calendar Mobile App UI
There may not be any component that you won’t get as a mobile application. Calendar on top of that has been a mobile component even before the rise of smart phones. There’s so much that you can do with calendar application these days. Anything that has to do with date and time can be included inside of a calendar app. The following example of css calendar gives a glance of exactly what you can do it. Reminder is something that every calendar app provides. Moreover thanks to calendar view for events as well as list view, you’ll never miss any events even if you want to.

3. CSS-only Calendar App Concept
Extending the features that we were just talking about let’s look into another calendar app layout using css and little bit of html. The layout fits perfectly as a mobile application as you can see in the image below. With the layout for entire month along with day view its clear why calendar production might have been reduced. Moreover,talking about the feature ideas for a calendar application, this concept shows quick process for setting reminder. Just tap on number days and then set the note or reminder you like. You also get quick topic selection to speedup the process for recurring tasks.

4. Calendar Window
With so many components coming out with animation and 3D effect, calendar isn’t any exception. Little bit of magic from css, html and javascript and you can perfectly materialize the components of a calendar for amazing effects. In other words the effect that we have here is a flipping calendar making it perfect widget component. As you navigate from the present month layout the other month is shown by flipping. Navigating forward results in flip towards one direction and navigating backward has the opposite flip direction.

5. Light & Dark Calendar
The light and dark calendar layout is perfect as a day planner. For those who are having a hard time to manage their daily plan opt to go for such application. Its not like other calendar application that focuses on an entire month view. Its more of a detailed one for each particular day. You can either choose one layout for the application or give the users to customize layout as per desire. We see this custom option being provided for a number of applications including messenger these days.

6. CSS Calendar
If you felt that previous examples of css calendar just served portion of your need the this one will materialize each one to give a best result. Having said the layout provides the view for entire month if you want to view things in general and a dedicated layout for detail view on particular day. Hence this makes the calendar combination of reminder and day planner application. Its a pure CSS and HTML calendar example so not worries of javascript for implementation in your bootstrap project.

7. Responsive Calendar
We are so used to seeing view in a weekly layout and that’s the actual standard followed by number of applications. However, it wouldn’t be fun if we see layout with 3 days for small screen size and 20 days for larger ones Its acceptable to have all days in a single row as its one of the practice followed but ones in the examples mentioned are not. So, we require a responsive layout to maintain consistency over all devices. That’s for the one part. The another part is a month layout offered by the following calendar that can provide the details for a day as well.

8. Calendar UI Design With CSS Grid
I would recommend this calendar layout just or its css appearance. Whether you require the frequent need of checking calendar or not the layout will look so good as a screensaver. Appearance is the main thing for this calendar. It involves two parts. The bottom half is just a month calendar layout with red layout for weekend. The upper half is a beautiful background along with indication of present day. Although adding planing feature and showing details can be done; I wouldn’t want to put any scratch on this beautiful layout.

9. CSS Grid Calendar
Grid layout is the most popular calendar layout. Therefore, instead of making people shift to a different layout as a day planner, reminder, event alert or any date specific task, its better to give them in the same layout. With that being said the following example of css calendar allows you to plan for a series of dates. You don’t need to navigate through each date to know anything in detail. Each plan comes in a different color to make an impression of its own. However, you can always get more detail with simple hover or click. Overlapping of dates for multiple events is not even an issue with proper space management that we get.

10. Calendar Plan – Tasks Events App
Your search for the an inspirational bootstrap calendar planner application layout ends here with the following css example. Whats most impressive about the layout is that it has provision to set priorities. I mean there maybe a number of task that needs to be done in a day. If each has a specific time then you can assign it according to the clock timing. However without any specific time information the work requires to be done in a priority basis. To help you deal with the issue, following layout will be very handy.

11. CSS Grid calendar
Here we are moving from a single calendar application to more into as a component in the larger application. And the most common example that I could think of is an react admin template. As an admin of some system I don’t think anyone have the time to look into each day or month to find anything specific. Search bar comes into handy for this situation. Just a click and you have week layout for more detail view or navigate back to broad view in month layout.

12. Calendar Mock (CSS Only)
Its another one of the examples where you can materialize an amazing calendar with just html and css with no worries of javascript. Its simple as well as beautiful layout at the same time. In majority of the cases the inclusion of good gradient color is sufficient for a beautiful layout. Besides that the following calendar will make the layout very simple for your bootstrap css project with indicators that grabs attention without any overwork. A simple circle as marker for dates and that’s it. For any details you can click or hover to those markers.

13. Windows Fluent Design Calendar
We gave you calendar for mobile application, for admin template as well and now its turn from windows. What this example of css calendar considered is something every calendar layout must consider if they are targeting specific region. This is because there are multiple calendar layout to follow. You can’t just decide which layout users are going to follow. Therefore its better that calendar supports multiple format. One of which is most likely to be international calendar layout. Also indicating events for any day on the basis of volume helps user expect how much busy they are going to be for the day and plan accordingly.

14. CSS Calendar Examples
Its not hidden fact that we get things on the basis of its appearance more than features at times. So, lets shift the focus towards the layout for a while. Here aging with html and css only no javascript to be seen around, you can get a beautiful bootstrap layout like a table calendar. You flip each of the calendar pages that are attached with spiral connector. Its the same layout that materialize the calendar into an entire month and current month year layout with css. If you’re looking for a minimized version of same the you can include the month year information within the same month layout.

15. Awesome CSS Calendar
Date and time go well very together and sometimes even as a single component. Considering the same, author for this css example came up with the layout that binds current date, time and calendar month of entire year within same. In this layout you get a grid view of all components with diagonals dedicated for current date and time. Its an analog clock along with second hand that gives the real time. Sorry but no skipping of javascript on top of css and html to materialize this calendar for your bootstrap application.

16. Parallax Flipping Calendar
The front layout is a calendar with month layout as well as present date container and with a simple click to edit icon the back layout becomes available for writing. Did you think making note would be easier than this? And by the way the back part of the html calendar layout becomes available as a flipping css and javascript effect. Simply select the date and start writing notes with no additional and useless process in between.

17. It’s A Calendar Sort Of Thing
Its a mixture of calendar along with sticky note component to make your task reminder easy. The inspiration comes directly from the real working environment where a large calendar layout comes with a number of notes for task reminder. Simply select the date and type in the bottom of the note component. Then make the selection if its work or social for easy categorization and as you finalize the note they slide in from side as animation effect.

18. Infinite Calendar
It looks like a shadow effect that resides on the bottom of the calendar but that does more than just give a 3D effect. I would describe it as a port to slide the calendar. Yes, its the sliding effect that we get while navigating through the months. However, its not sliding left or right which is a common navigation effect for a number of calendar. So what’s happening here is as you navigate to next month the current page slides down making room for next page to appear from the same direction. Its like having a controller hidden below that pulls and pushes the calendar pages. You’ll need all of css, html and javascript to materialize this calendar for your bootstrap application.

19. Circular Calendar Display
This might be the most unique calendar layout we have in today’s example of bootstrap calendar. Its because its not actually a calendar. The layout is more of a wrist watch that’s modified to give information on present date and day. Besides that the layout also gives the information on weather condition digitally displaying the temperature and icon such as cloudy or sunny for rest. Moreover, the bar diagram for each day can serve as statistics tool for maybe temperature or amount of event assigned. We can consider this to be a widget serving multiple purpose.

20. Calendar and Clock
Leaving clock and calendar as uncoupled components can be considered as a mistake for modern designs. Its because where’s date, there’s time and vice versa. But you may think why are we talking about clock and date when the image below looks like a normal notepad with present date information only? There’s not even any other room for displaying clock information. Well, its there but just hidden under a click. We see additional two note papers beside the initial layout. These three component on click make up for current hour, minute and second. However, date is not lost during this effect with all of today’s component appearing in a harmony.

21. Haml Calendar
This css calendar layout indicates present date by two ways. The first one is with a unique marker for present date in the form of red circle and font color. The other is fading away all the past dates. The second effect is quite useful in a number of applications and improves user experience while minimizing the error. Are you thinking what error? So tell me while trying to book for an air ticket would you be okay if mistakenly you picked for same date but a year ago? Exactly, it shouldn’t be even selectable and disabling dates is the exact solution.

22. jQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe
Seeing the title itself you must have guessed in order to materialize this calendar you will also require javascript on top of css and html. However, let me tell you its worth all the effort for this css calendar component that you can add to your bootstrap project. So talking about the layout it gives summer vibes with properly selected animated beach images. That lies on the top layout with monthly calendar layout below that. Although navigating action has not effect on the cover image you can change them to reflect on different seasons as per month.

23. Responsive Flexbox Calendar Retina Images
We know images can be better at reminding things instantly and also brings the beautiful layout along. Therefore, the inspiration that you can take from this calendar is using images instead of normal marker for each dates. Even if you may not be a parent but consider an example that its your son’s birthday coming Sunday. While its not acceptable to be a parent and forget your child’s birthday this calendar prevents you from being a bad parent. So tell me whether a picture of your son as a reminder for birthday would look good and efficient or a normal indicator that some event is set?

24. Calendar App
A number of animation effects for navigation in the calendar involved sliding up and down the entire page. The animation that we get here is only the month and year content sliding up as transition effect. I didn’t mean the other layout remains the same. It would be useless if that’s case but since we are looking to materialize the css calendar, that’s not the case either. Other contents also change however they don’t have same level of noticing power. They happen in a swift while we can clearly see the sliding or flipping action for month year component. That’s necessary to indicate users of change as well in your bootstrap calendar project.

Having gone through so many examples of calendar layout now its your turn to tell us which one you selected and what you liked about that. Also do you feel we missed on any of your favorite css topic? Don’t hesitate to let us know about that. We will try to cover all the topics that went away from our sight initially in the days to come.