There are many things you must manage on your page frequently. Sometimes, it is necessary to check how your business profile looks from a third-party perspective. In such a situation, you should view your Facebook page as a visitor.

Remember, how an Admin sees their Facebook page isn’t the same for followers. A visitor may not see the exact features you see on your account, and vice versa.

For example, if you add a WhatsApp button, donate button, or other CTA buttons, you won’t see it on your page profile as Admin. This is because they are meant for your viewers.

So, to check if all the features, information, and links are working properly, you should at least look at your page from your follower’s perspective.

Hence, this article will discuss how to view your Facebook page as a visitor and analyze it properly. Meanwhile, let’s also learn to check the Facebook page creation date if interested.

Can you View your Facebook Page as a Visitor?

Yes, you can view your Facebook page as a visitor. You can use the in-built feature or other external methods to do this.

What method to use depends entirely on your situation. Using the built-in option is easier if you want to see if a button appears on your page if you added the website and it is working properly, and so on.

Of course, this option is only available for an Admin of a Facebook business page.

However, if you want to truly experience, it is better to use the external methods. You must visit your Facebook business profile as an outsider for good data and analysis.

Remember, a page can appear differently for someone who has a role (Admin, editor, moderator, etc.). So, it is better to use the unrelated account for better results.

It is also a good idea to visit your page on a Smartphone and a PC (Windows or Mac) so that you will cover all kinds of audiences.

After analyzing, you can always return to your account and make proper adjustments.

How to View Your Facebook Page as a Visitor?

There are three ways to view your Facebook page as a visitor. You can use the “view as” feature, another Facebook account, or simply search it on Google.

Depending on the situation, you can use either of them. However, sometimes, it is necessary to use all the methods so that you can gather as much data as you can for your use.

So, let’s look at each option below.

Method 1: Using “View As” Feature

Since you are mostly busy inside your page account making adjustments, it would help if there was a feature that lets you see your business profile in a third-party view.

And that’s where the “view as” feature comes in. You don’t need to keep using another account just to see small changes on your page profile.

This feature is available on a Smartphone and a PC. Hence, let’s learn to use it on both devices.

See as a Visitor on a Mobile

Follow the step-by-step procedure below on the Android or iOS (iPhone or iPad) phone to see your Facebook business page as a visitor.

1. First, sign in to your account on a Facebook or Lite app using a Mobile Phone.

2. Once you are logged in, go to your business account and then open the profile.

3. After you come across your Profile, you can press the three horizontal dots next to the “Manage” button.

You will see it below your profile and cover picture.

4. Now, press the “View asbutton from the menu, and you will immediately see your account profile, just like a visitor.

However, you cannot interact with your page since you aren’t actually a third party. If you press the button (e.g., Like, Follow, etc.) on your profile, it will inform you that you cannot do so through a prompt.

But you can still press the “Open now” or “Close now” text on the About section to see your business hours schedule.

Likewise, you can also press the tabs from the horizontal menu (About, Photos, Mention, etc.) just like a visitor. So, this feature is ok to check simple changes.

5. After checking everything, you can go back or press the “Exit view” option from the top to quit this mode.

Otherwise, you can also select the “Edit page” option from the top and change your cover photo, profile pic, and other info as you want directly.

See as a Visitor on PC

Follow the step-by-step tutorial below on a computer or laptop to view your Facebook page as a visitor.

1. First, go to your business page profile on a desktop web browser on the Facebook web.

2. Next, click the three dots from the horizontal menu below your profile and cover photo.

You will find it on the right side of that menu bar.

3. After that, select the “view asoption from the available choices, and you will immediately see your business profile as an outsider.

Now, start looking at your page from the cover and profile picture. You can also see if the buttons are displaying correctly. Of course, you cannot press them.

Then, look at your Intro section and see if all the info is correctly shown. Additionally, check the features section and your timeline.

Finally, check all the tabs on the horizontal menu. You can look at the About tab to see if your Facebook business page address is displayed correctly on the Map.

4. Click the “Exit view as” button from the top right corner once you are done checking the profile.

You will now return to the regular page. Now, adjust the settings and customize your business account. After that, apply the same steps to check the changes.

Method 2: Using Different Facebook Account

The above method is good for checking the features and small changes on your Facebook page. However, it doesn’t allow you to interact as a visitor.

So, to truly experience your profile like your audiences and followers, you should use a different Facebook account.

Hence, borrow your friend’s account or log in with another one on your device and go to your business account profile. Remember, use an account that has no relation and role with that page.

Now, you will see your page exactly as any people visiting it from all over the world.

Of course, if some of the features you are showing on your account aren’t available in another country, then they may see your page differently. But still, it is as exact as it can be.

So, take your time and interact with that page like an outsider. See if the buttons and links are working properly and if the info is correct.

Also, don’t forget to check the photos, reels, and Albums. After that, go to your account and make changes if necessary.

Method 3: View Without Login Any Account

As you know, a Facebook page is public by default, and you cannot change the privacy like on a personal account.

So, anything you publish, upload, and show on your business page is searchable on the internet.

Likewise, you can also search your page as long as you haven’t disabled this option in your privacy settings.

In such a case, there is no need for a Facebook account just to view that page. You can use this to your advantage.

So, get your Facebook page link from the address bar or the app and then open a new tab on your browser where there is no Facebook account connected. You can opt for the incognito feature too.

Now, paste that copied link into your address bar and hit Enter on your keyboard.

You will immediately see your Facebook page in a third-person view. It may ask you to log in, but you can ignore that prompt.

Now, analyze your account as a visitor. Of course, to interact with anything on the page, you must log in.

Note: If you are unable to view your page with this method, go to Settings & Privacy >> Settings >> Privacy on your business account. Then, enable the first option under the “How people find and contact you” section.

Why View Facebook Business Page as a Visitor?

You should check your Facebook business page as a visitor to assess your content, user experience, privacy settings, test the links and buttons, and so on.

If you don’t know how your followers and visitors are seeing your page, you cannot make a proper judgment.

Hence, it is necessary to check it from time to time to spot the mistakes and improve the audience experience on your account.


Can I view my Facebook business page as a friend?

Yes, you can always view your Facebook business page as a friend or an outsider. For this, click the three dots on your page profile and then choose the “view as” option.

Why can’t I view my Facebook page as a visitor?

If you are not an Admin or have sufficient roles, you cannot view your Facebook page as a visitor using a built-in feature.

Similarly, if your page’s searchability is disabled in the privacy settings, you cannot use the link to visit your page externally. So, make sure it is searchable before using this method.

Can I view the Facebook page without an account?

Yes, you can view your Facebook page without an account as long as you have enabled search engine visibility.

Final Thought

In conclusion, visiting your Facebook page as an outsider is necessary to check the features and experience.

This is the best way to spot mistakes in time and improve the user experience of your business.

So, do use it when necessary. While at it, let’s also learn a few more tips on the Facebook business page to make it better.

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