by OnAir | Apr 4, 2022 | Freelance, Resources
As we all have heard of many part-time jobs we can get on the internet. With such jobs, we can make enough amount of money and we can earn as part-time workers. Such jobs are Freelancing jobs. In this modern era, many people earn as freelance workers. Here we deal...
by OnAir | Jun 26, 2019 | Freelance, Resources
So you want a tech job that don’t need coding. Coding everyday just to do some simple task can sometimes be frustrating. This is the main reason people now a days look for jobs in IT field that does not require any kind of coding. At first it seems fun to code...
by OnAir | Jun 23, 2019 | Freelance, Resources
Freelancers Disadvantages and drawbacks are something that has been discussed everytime freelancer topic comes up. This could be because disadvantages are like those part of any topic that comes with advantages. But like any disease disadvantages can be removed and we...
by OnAir | Jun 21, 2019 | Freelance, Resources
Freelancer is terms mostly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular company or organization. Freelancers have the freedom to pick and choose their projects and companies they are more comfortable and see more profit with....
by OnAir | Dec 30, 2018 | Freelance, Resources
In the internet, there are lots of freelancing sites which can get your job done. With over 70 freelancing websites and millions of freelancers online, anyone can get their work done. However, it is really hard to get a well skilled freelancer for your work. Here we...
by OnAir | Jun 15, 2018 | Freelance, Resources
In this busy world, time management has always been a great challenge among the people who work as employee or freelancer. Some of people use the Calendar app or Remainder app to scheduled time for their work but still it is no so effective. Time tracking software’s...