Sliding Background Snippets with CSS

Sliding Background Snippets with CSS

Nowadays, among tons of blogs and web pages, making yours exceptionally beautiful is a great change. While you think about placing a background image, why just to limit it on simple photo. While there is lot you can Advent an HD modes and other to create impact over...
10+ Creative CSS Grid Examples

10+ Creative CSS Grid Examples

Grid, as defined, is the rectangular array of equal size. And CSS as you already knows its a scripting language. Now if u didn’t get what I mean, firstly let me remind you “photo grid”. Now you surely have remembered something. Didn’t you? This...
300+ Free Material Design Animated SVG Icons

300+ Free Material Design Animated SVG Icons

As far as the material icons are concerned, they are beautifully crafted, which are attractive, delightful and infact easy to use in web and mobile projects too. While we aim on doing projects to do in internet we look for various things. It is equally important for...
25+ Free Mobile UI Kits for App Designer

25+ Free Mobile UI Kits for App Designer

When you have just make up your mind to create your mobile application or web application, there are certain things for you to consider. Just if you want to get success in creating your mobile application, the most important thing, of all, that can deliberately bring...
7 Best jQuery Video Streaming Plugins

7 Best jQuery Video Streaming Plugins

There are various apps and sites trending in online market nowadays. They are specific functionalities in them provide different facilities and information. But the primary motto of them is to make their product attractive so that they can lure the customers towards...
10+ Material Design Card Examples

10+ Material Design Card Examples

Material design was introduced by Google in Google I/O Conference in June 2014. Since then, material design has taken over the smartphone app world. And now, it has started taking its place in web and desktop applications as well. Websites and applications have...
Top 10 Freelance Sites to Find Job Online

Top 10 Freelance Sites to Find Job Online

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, they make them “.Pervasively, you should dig for the opportunity to find yourself in the driver’s seat in this...
Android Profile Screen UI Design Inspiration

Android Profile Screen UI Design Inspiration

With change in time and rapid change in technology, mobile phone getting more popular than the desktop computer. User interference or UI is one thing to for given credit for. UI is touch sensitive display on mobiles that lets user to interact with device application....
10+ Best jQuery Grid Plugin for Web Designer

10+ Best jQuery Grid Plugin for Web Designer

jQuery Grid plugin help web designers to organize and present their contents in grids. Grid consists of table like rows and columns of contents. The contents may be text or images. Most grid layouts can be seen in photo gallery websites such as Instagram and...

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