If you are an online marketer, you must seek new ways to skyrocket your business professionally. Selecting accurate categories for a product and changing the country based on your targeted audience may be pretty helpful, but finding the best time to post on Facebook Marketplace is a game changer.
And if a seller can track the perfect time to put the items for sale, there’s no doubt profits will be pretty decent. It not only increases your sales rate but also shows how much of a professional seller you are, hence earning you a valuable rating as a merchant.
So, you must find out the best time period when you can post a product for sale if you want to outclass your competitors. But before that, you must know what the best time to post on FB Marketplace actually is.
Do you know what it is? If not, you’re in the perfect place. In this blog post, we’ll help you to know about it in detail. Also, learn to add tags on FB Marketplace while at it.
What Does it Mean Best Time to Sell on Facebook Marketplace?
The best time to sell on Facebook Marketplace means the perfect period when you can add a product for sale. In other words, it can be considered the precise moment to post an item for sale when your product gets the maximum views/orders.
Pin-pointing the perfect moment to sell your item is a must if you are looking forward to prospering in the ever-emerging world of FB Marketplace.
Your sales rate in this digital store earns you the potential benefits based on different aspects such as target audience, product type, etc. And time is no exception here. In fact, it’s one of the essentials.
Why wouldn’t it? After all, different countries have different time zones, and if you don’t post the item on peak time, the chances of earning profits are lesser.
Find out the peak hour of the county of your target audience and post in time accordingly. And the best part is that this is not even as complex as creating a shipping label on FB Marketplace. Just do this and see how orders will flood your message box.
Is There a Best Time to Post on Facebook Marketplace?

Yes, there is a best time to post on Facebook Marketplace. Everything has it’s time to shine, and so do your listings. Depending on the time zones of different countries, there are best times when you can post on FB Marketplace.
Whether it’s an old person, a young child, or a middle-aged person, people of different ages buy products from this digital store. And while not all people have time to shop anytime, everyone gets free after work, school, college, etc.
That exact time period when most people are on leisure or free, which earns you massive views, is regarded as the best time to post on FB Marketplace.
So yeah, there are best times to post on this digital store. The only thing you need to do is create an FB Marketplace account and post items based on countries where you’re selling your product.
What is the Best Time to Post on Facebook Marketplace?
In Facebook Marketplace, small things matter a lot, no matter if it’s just editing or renewing your listings. But one huge aspect that can entirely change the game of your business on this digital store is the selection of proper timings to post your products.
It’s because it’ll leverage the amount of views as well as the orders. So, it has nothing that can push down your business. But do you actually know what’s the best time to post on Facebook Marketplace?
If not, we’ll help you with that. As we’ve said earlier, it all depends upon which country-audience you’re targeting. But don’t worry, the variation of countries will not stop you.
You just need to post in the evening, i.e., after 6:00 PM, from the specific country of your targeted audience.
And yeah, that is the best time to post as most of the jobs, schools, and institutions are closed during that moment, hence providing leisure time for people to navigate products on Facebook Marketplace. However, you can post at any time during the holidays.
Best Times to Post on Facebook Marketplace for Every Day of the Week
Not only peak hours, but days also matter a lot while posting on Facebook Marketplace. It may be possible that posting items on a specific period may enrich you with a decent profit, but no, not every day.
As the day changes time and again, so does your sales rate. And this is the reason why you should find out the perfect times to post on this digital store for every day of the week.
But if you’re struggling to find those profiting hours, we’ll help you with that.
So, here are the best times to post your products for sale on this digital store
every day of the week.
Sunday: Midday ( From1 PM to 3 PM) and Evening ( From 7 PM to 10 PM)
Monday: Evening ( 6 PM to 9 PM)
Tuesday: Evening ( After 7 PM)
Wednesday: Evening ( 6 PM to 9 PM)
Thursday: Evening ( 7 PM to 10 PM)
Friday: Midday ( From1 PM to 3 PM) and Evening ( From 7 PM to 10 PM)
Saturday: Midday ( From1 PM to 3 PM) and Evening ( From 7 PM to 10 PM)
Well, the perfect times for Monday till Thursday are almost the same because those days are working days and most people will be free only in the evening period.
But when it comes to Sunday and Saturday, it’s different because it’s the weekends and it is more likely that people are free most of the time during those days.
The best time to post items for sale on Facebook Marketplace is during the evening hours, as working and school hours are off at that time.
The best day to post on Facebook Marketplace is Saturday, as it’s a national holiday for every country, and people will have time to shop, unlike any other working day. However, you can also consider posting on other weekend days, like Sunday and Friday.
Yes, you must consider the time zone when posting on Facebook Marketplace because it is one crucial aspect that can leverage your business in no time.
Wrapping up
All that said, the best time to sell on Facebook Marketplace means posting items at those specific moments when most people are actively searching for products in this digital store.
And while there are best times to post products here, you can do it in no time with relative ease.
The most enriching period that earns you profitable views is during the evening period. So, don’t give it a second thought and consider taking time zones seriously while posting on FB Marketplace.
If you have spare time, also learn to get a refund on Facebook Marketplace.